live in和live on的用法


1. They live on the other side of the street.
2. They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a workshop in the basement.
3. He just lives and breathes football.
4. Live and let live - (saying) Live and let live means to tolerate others and not interfere in their lives.
5. Live by your wits - To make a living by using one's intelligence and resourcefulness.
6. Live (from) hand to mouth - To live from day to day with very little money.
7. Live in the past - To be stuck in the past and not adapt to the present.
8. Live in sin - To live together as a couple without being married.
9. Live it up - To enjoy oneself greatly, often with excessive luxury or wastefulness.
10. Live a lie - To live a false life or be hypocritical.
11. Live off the fat of the land - To live luxuriously or comfortably.
12. Live off the land - To subsist by farming or living off the produce of the land.
13. Live to fight another day - To survive a difficult situation to fight or try again another time.
14. You haven't lived - Expression used to suggest that a person has not experienced something essential to life.
15. You've never been to New York? You haven't lived! - Expressing the importance of experiencing something as fundamental as visiting New York.
16. You live and learn - To learn something new and often surprising every day.
17. Be (living) on borrowed time - To be close to death or doing something that could soon be stopped.
18. Be/Live in clover - To be in a state of great comfort or prosperity.
19. How the other half lives - To see how people who are wealthier or live differently from oneself live.
20. Long live sb/sth - A wish for a long life or enduring success for someone or something.
21. People (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - (Saying) Don't criticize others if you have similar weaknesses yourself.