介绍河南信阳旅游景点英文 介绍一下河南信阳



Henan Province is a province of the great motherland, located in the central plain of the motherland, is one of the main birthplaces of Chinese civilization.
Henan Province was called Yuzhou in ancient times, also known as "Zhongzhou" and "Zhongyuan".
Henan Province is a major hub connecting the East, West, North and South Railway Transportation of the motherland.
It is rich in wheat and is a famous "big granary" in China.
Yin Ruins, located on the shore of Huan River in Anyang, Henan Province, is the earliest ancient capital site in China.
Outstanding figures and contemporary heroes in the history of Henan Province add luster to his hometown.
Henan, I am proud of you! I'm proud of you!


信阳宜居宜业,山清水秀,空气清新,气候宜人,素有"江南北国、北国江南"美誉。楚文化与中原文化在这里交融,形成了信阳独特的人文气质。信阳是理想的宜居之城、旅游之城,也是全国唯一连续七年入选中国十佳宜居城市的城市。Xinyang livable appropriate industry, beautiful scenery, the air is fresh, pleasant climate, known as "jiangnan north, northland jiangnan" reputation. Chu culture and central plains culture blend here, formed the xinyang's unique cultural temperament. Xinyang is the ideal of livable city, tourist city, is also the only seven consecutive years in the ten best livable cities city in China.

信阳的英语介绍 Xinyang brief intro

Xinyang is located south Henan Province, the history is glorious, the human outstanding earth deities, are one of China civilization birthplaces, some more than 8000 years glorious histories.....


Xinyang city is located in southern Henan Province, has a long history, outstanding people, is the birthplace of Chinese civilization, has a long history of 8000 years. During the period of Xia Shang, here has founded the rest of China, Huang and other kingdoms, known as thousand by country; the spring and Autumn period, here called Shen Guo; Tang period, Xinyang is the important food base; the Northern Song Dynasty was renamed the Xinyang, are still in use; the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Xinyang economic and cultural development has been of considerable size, abundance of food, commercial prosperity, the Central Plains region is the comparison of a rich city.Xinyang beautiful scenery, an exquisite scenery. National scenic area is a national Jigong Mountain, one of the four major summer resort, mountain scenery, around the peaks and rocks. South of Henan Pearl Lake, is a national Forest Park, located in the center of the Shihe River District, is China's earliest built large the project. The upper lakes, and Longtan waterfall, five Yunshan, Xinyang Maojian tea treasures production here. In addition, there are Lingshan temple, Temple of the pure abodes, Yin Temple and other monuments as well as a large number of Revolution History Memorial, beautiful, no wonder that everyone in a continuous line.Xinyang is a historic city. In the early 8000 years ago, the territory of Huaihe two sides appeared quite primitive agriculture, from east to west is distributed with Percy Li Gang culture, Longshan culture and Qu Jialing's cultural sites. Shang and Zhou occasion, here established Shanghai, interest, string, yellow, Jiang, and other kingdoms of polygonum. Spring and autumn and the Warring States period, Chu Shen, destroy wait for kingdoms, Shen Jian, interest, Si county. The Northern Song Dynasty reform Yang Xinyang, which are still in use.Xinyang is a cultural city. A famous photograph of Sun Shuao ( now Huaibin county), farmland water, make the rich armour one party, he presided over the design and construction period of Si Bei ( BEI ), is China's most ancient a large water conservancy project. The Tang Dynasty" Zhang Kai King Seong" Chen Yuanguang ( Gushi )," Minwang" Wang Shenzhi ( Gushi ), the Central Plains Civilization spread to Fujian, Taiwan and other places. Advocacy of " paper will the Qin and Han Dynasties, will Tang poetry" generation writer He Jingming (now become division river people ), is the Ming Dynasty" before the seven" leaders. The territory of Xinyang revolutionary sites, monuments and artifacts. The existing state-level protection unit 6, province and province below the level of cultural relics protection units 400 much place, have important revolution and revolutionary memorial site at more than 400, to complete province each city crown.Xinyang city traffic city. Xinyang left the choke two Huai, right control Jianghan, shielding the Central Plains, since ancient times is the Milky Way 's strategic location, within the territory of the" three passes" has always been a hotly contested spot for the military. The Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Kowloon Railway and 107 National Road 106, and the Beijing-Zhuhai expressway runs through the north and the south, State Road 312 West Nanjing railway, and the opening of the letter leaves freeway cross thing, in the territory of form four double cross and two regional transport hub -- Xinyang city and Huangchuan County, Xinyang to become the" Central Plains through eight party, ranking hinterland of Kyushu" heavy city traffic.Xinyang is a revolutionary red. Xinyang is a famous revolutionary base, is the capital of the location of hubei-henan-anhui Soviet Area, is the cradle of generals, hometown. During the first revolutionary civil war, the older generation revolutionist without the stage here to create the Dabie Mountains Revolutionary Base, produce the first Red Army, Red Army, the red twenty-five army, twenty-eight Red Army main force, Zhi Hongjun. In revolutionary war time, Xinyang a total of about 300000 outstanding children gave their precious life for the revolution. Xu Shiyou, Li Desheng, Wan Haifeng, You Taizhong, over a hundred Xinyang general membership from here to the country.Xinyang is a green tea. Xinyang Shanqingshuixiu, is a state-level ecological demonstration city," hill around Greentown city to build the jade green water, city water in Xinyang City Feihong" is the true portraiture. Chu Fengyu charm blend in here, humanitarian landscape and natural scenery add radiance and beauty to each other, mountain, water, city of temples, mutual authentic, known as "Jiangnan Northland, North Jiangnan " reputation, there are Jigong Mountain, Lingshan and the South Bay Lake and other famous scenic spots. The forest coverage rate of 29.4%, higher than the national average of 12.9 percentage points.


Fragrant Hill Lake National Scenic Area WaterFragrant Hill Lake National Scenic Area Water Resources, Department Eyuwan with the Department's new county, the county seat is located 6 kilometers southeast of Beijing-Kowloon Railway across the county, a straight-line distance of 2 kilometers away from the scenic area, 160 km south to Wuhan, 110 km south of Xinyang , Zhengzhou 290 kilometers. Xinyang section away from the entrance of Beijing-Zhuhai expressway 80 km, under construction A Shengao Su exports are in the scenic area on the 1 km of the path.The upper reaches of the Huaihe River is a river lake, from artificial inland lake formed by water Natural Beauty. In 1969 the construction of a masonry gravity arch dam, forming a storage capacity of 83.85 million cubic meters of reservoir bank fishing and boating tours available to visitors. In 1972 to an open society. Tour with a red county, South Bay Lake, Jigongshan, Ling Shansi connected to form a high-quality tourist routes.Scenic spot for the sub-tropical and warm temperate zone of the transition zone, belongs to humid sub-humid climate. Therefore, four distinct seasons, mild climate, ample rainfall, cool, the annual average temperature of 23.5 degrees Celsius. More than 85% forest cover, ecological good, beautiful environment. Is a natural big Oxygen Bar. Scenic area of 10.6 square kilometers, beautiful mountains, rock spectacle with stunning lakes and mountains, the mountains Maolin tall bamboo, with its spring-lake around the endless mountains, numerous islands, Chau staggered, spread, known as "West Henan Province "good reputation. Mainly Fragrant Hill Lake as the center,Also opened a water table and water sightseeing experience the fishing village folk lines, concentrated within the scenic natural landscape and the essence of tourism resources, highlighting the natural ecology of rivers and lakes of small villages and cultural style features. At present, in order to speed up the scenic area development, and constant development and improvement of scenic spots and recreational facilities-related projects, which are also put into the construction of water amusement centers, which covertly drift and so on.Fragrant Hill Lake scenic area is an eco-protective sightseeing, the, supplemented by a variety of natural and cultural landscape of the comprehensive scenic. "Man and nature in harmony, landscape gardens complement each other" constitutes a unique tourist attractions Xiangshan Lake. The south side of the dam, elevation 297 meters of the Hyangnobong erected, peak between the rocks clouds, its winding. Yu-free stone, thin strip of sky, snails and other natural stone KingConcept, form lifelike, life-like. Inter-Lakes Region Xiuzhu Maolin has a long history of ancient temples Fusaiji, incense constantly throughout the year. The main landscape Hyangnobong, dam with big, Fusaiji, civet Shi, Kuanyin Lake-stone, ladder, nursing homes, Journey Into Amazing Caves, Buddhism in their hearts