写篇英语作文 题目是如何提高学校教学质量的 要书




Pay attention to the quality of teachers, which is a very important condition. Although all teachers have obtained the teacher qualification certificate, the quality of teachers should be improved constantly. The school should organize some professional training to let the teachers' teaching methods follow the development of the times. We should form a good atmosphere for learning.


To strengthen management, schools should improve the corresponding rules and regulations, and put these systems into operation. To restrict teachers with the system, so that teachers have a stronger sense of responsibility, more responsible for students, so that the quality of teaching in schools will be higher.


At ordinary times, schools should set up a special education management office and Student Department to strengthen the management of students. Those who do not enter the classroom should be well educated.

平时学校应该要专门成立一个教育管理处和学生处,加强对学生的管理,那些上课不进教室的学习要好好教育 。

Organize more evaluation activities. In the same grade, we can organize some teaching evaluation activities, so that teachers and teachers can learn from each other to see where their own shortcomings are and what is good about other people's teaching.


Schools can also find some excellent teaching methods through the evaluation activities, so as to promote it. It is always the right way to encourage the excellent by excellence.


第1个回答  2021-08-05


The essence of teaching lies in educating people. It is the sacred duty of educators to cultivate a new generation with noble moral character, sound personality and excellent quality.

 To teach for the sake of teaching is to go against the educational policy and to train builders and successors of the socialist cause who develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and laborally.

Many principals and teachers always think that moral education for students will take up students' learning time, will affect students' academic performance. This understanding is one-sided and wrong.

 Sun Weigang, a famous national mathematics teacher, said, "Moral education and intellectual education are interrelated and complementary. A lofty ideal will generate a strong motivation to study hard. 

Conversely, the improvement of intellectual quality enables people to see further, helps to form a correct outlook on life, and improves ideological and moral quality."

Then associate with the teaching situation around us, in general, the class activities are well carried out, the moral education work is well implemented, the class's academic performance will be better.

Creating a good teacher-student relationship is the key for students to achieve self-development. A good teacher-student relationship will affect the development of students' mental health. 

At the same time, one of the important contents and tasks of quality-oriented education is to make students develop good psychological quality and improve their mental health.

Therefore, the school should vigorously advocate the education of love, in the specific teaching practice, requires teachers to pay special attention to protect and consolidate the established good relationship between teachers and students.

the treatment of students must be equal, facing all, the attitude of amiable, approachable, do not patronize, three feet of the platform, self-centered.

To often walk down the platform, deep into the middle of the students, and students together to study, answer questions.

make friends, active education and teaching atmosphere, to ensure the harmonious bilateral activities between teachers and students, so as to ensure that some excellent students outflow as far as possible.

Harmonious and beautiful educational environment is the basis of promoting school education and teaching work. Harmonious and beautiful educational environment is not only the image of a school, but also the soul of a school.

 It covers the school appearance, school appearance, school ideology, school mode, school characteristics, and school spirit and discipline of a school.

A good educational environment will make the majority of teachers and students experience the appeal.

cohesion and shock of the campus all the time, and enjoy the happiness and pride of being in it all the time, so that they will be interested in work and study and full of confidence.

Therefore, we should fully mobilize and encourage the majority of teachers and students in the school, make use of the existing school-based resources, and actively invest in the construction of a harmonious and beautiful educational environment.

 We should do our own work to optimize teaching, cultivate the good fashion of teachers and students to love the school and love education, and form a good educational atmosphere.










第2个回答  2017-11-19
以质量求生存,以特色求发展 ” 已成为现代学校发展的共识, 教学质量是学校的生命线,我校是一所农村薄弱中学,由于各种原因导致优质生源外流,学生人数少,班额小,因此要提高教学质量,教师必须从课堂入手本回答被网友采纳