

1. Turn off 关掉;关上;关;拐弯
- 正确的用法示例:Please turn off the lights when you leave the room. (你离开房间时,请关灯。)
2. Turn up 开大;出现;来到;找到
- 正确的用法示例:He turned up the volume to hear the news clearly. (他调大了音量,以便清楚地听到新闻。)
3. Turn down 关小;调低;拒绝;调小
- 正确的用法示例:She turned down the job offer because it didn't align with her career goals. (她拒绝了工作邀请,因为它与她的职业目标不符。)
4. Turn over 移交;翻过来;仔细考虑;翻身
- 正确的用法示例:The company will turn over the project to the new team next month. (公司将把这个项目在下个月移交给新团队。)
5. Turn back 回来;折回;翻过来;往回走
- 正确的用法示例:They had to turn back because of the heavy snow. (因为大雪,他们不得不返回。)
6. Turn around 转身;转向;转过身;转圈
- 正确的用法示例:She turned around to see who called her name. (她转身去看是谁叫她的名字。)
7. Linguistic turn 语言学转向;语言转向;语言的转向;语言论转向
- 正确的用法示例:The linguistic turn in philosophy marked a shift towards focusing on language and meaning. (哲学中的语言学转向标志着对语言和意义的关注转变。)
8. Turn time 等泊时间;回简盯誉合时间;等泊时候;转换时间
- 正确的用法示例:The ship's turn time at the port was longer than expected. (船舶在港口的等待时间比预期的要长。)
9. Spot turn 原地转身;点转;原地转;定点转
- 正确的用法示例:The dancer executed a perfect spot turn during the performance. (舞者在表演中完成了一个完美的原地转身。)