


1.Welcome to.欢迎光临。

2.We hope that you will enjoy your stay with us.我希望你和我们相处得愉快。

3.We are happy to have you on board.我们很高兴你能和我们在一起。

4.We are really glad that you have decided to join us.我们真的很高兴你决定和我们在一起。

5.We are pleased that you have joined us and look forward to a pleasant and long association with you.有你和我们在一起,我们备感荣幸,并且,我们期待着与你保持长期的、友好的关系。

6.You are very welcome to come and see me at any time.随时欢迎你过来看望我。

7.You are always welcome in my office at any time.随时欢迎你来我的办公室。

8.On behalf of the company I would like to welcome you.我谨此代表我们公司欢迎您。

9.It is my great pleasure to welcome you to.您能光临我感到非常荣幸。

10.It affords me great pleasure to welcome you to.您能光临真是我莫大的荣幸。
