i know you fly away抖音什么歌


i know you fly away抖音是《Remember Our Summer》。

《Remember Our Summer》该曲是由音乐人FrogMonster所创作,于2019.8.16发行在网易云音乐,歌曲时长2分43秒。


Lately I wanna stay awake,最近每晚我都舍不得闭眼

I don’t want the days to end,我舍不得这些美好的日子就这样结束

I know you will fly away,我明白你终究会离我远去

Need to hold you for myself,我多想紧紧抱住你留住你的一丝气息

I feel the time run through my hands,我能感受得到时光如沙,在我掌心里慢慢流逝

Try to grab it but it fades,我疯狂地想紧紧抓住,但它只是流逝得更快

Say goodbye in all the possible ways,再见了,再见了,我的爱人

I don’t want you to get lost,我不想把你弄丢,可事与愿违

Will we ever meet again?我们还会再见面吗

I will anesthetize the pain,我会麻醉疼痛自己疗伤

Please remember our summers,请你记住我们一起度过的那些夏天

My heart is closed by duel,我的心门被紧紧关闭了

Will I learn to love again?我还能再次拥有爱一个人的能力吗

Who will walk with me in the rain?谁还会再陪我在雨中漫步

Please remember our summers,请你一定一定要记得我们一起度过的那些夏天

Come the sun,在阳光下

come the rain,在雨中

and the leaves falling,在落叶纷飞里

I will wait even if the seasons change,四季交替我会一直在这里等你

Anxiety runs through my veins,悲伤与焦虑顺着血管在我身体里蔓延

I will escape from all these chains,我终有一天能挣脱这些痛苦的枷锁

Say come back,in all the possible ways回来吧回来吧我的爱人

I don’t want you to get lost,我不想把你弄丢可事与愿违

Will we ever meet again?我们还会再见面吗

I will anesthetize the pain,我会麻醉疼痛自己疗伤

Please remember our summers,请你记住我们一起度过的那些夏天

My heart is closed by duel,我的心门被紧紧关闭了

Will I learn to love again?我还能再次拥有爱一个人的能力吗

Who will walk with me in the rain?谁还会再陪我在雨中漫步

Please remember our summers,请你一定一定要记得我们一起度过的那些夏天
