

1. 首先,两者在用法上有很多独特之处,不可混用。现在分词作状语可以表示条件、伴随动作、时间等;而 to 这个词本身有“到”,“达”,“至(某种状态)”的意思,所以我们用不定式时,则时常是为了表达主句(做某事)所要达到的目的。试比较下面的的句子。

Putting the two things together, it will explode. 将这两样东西放在一起就会爆炸。(表条件)
Turning around, he saw her standing still. 他转过身来,看到她仍然站着不动。(表时间)
He lay in his bed, thinking about what to do next. 他躺在床上,想着下一步该怎么办。(表伴随动作)

To speak like a local, you need to migrate when you were very young, 要达到说话像当地人一样,你需要在很小的时候就移民。(表目的)
He did everything he can to save his company, but in vain. 他竭尽全力挽救自己的公司,但无力回天。(表目的)

2. 虽然现在分词和不定式都可以用来作结果状语,但两者也是有区别的。前者表达的是主句所述情况的应有结果,没有出乎意料之外;而后者往往表示意想不到、不希望出现的结果。to 前边还常加上 only 这个词来加重失望的情绪。

The heavy rain lasted a whole day, making a serious flood for the village. 这场大雨持续了一整天,给村子带来了严重的洪水。

She got home to learn that her grandpa has passed. 她回到家,得知爷爷已经去世了。
He left the company only to find that starting a business on his own is much more difficult. 他离开公司,结果发现自己创业要艰难得多。
She opened her Christmas gift only to find that there was nothing inside. 她打开圣诞礼物,却发现里
第1个回答  2022-07-29
to do 作状语,表示将要去完成、现在还有做的事情,比如:I have a lot of homework to do.;ing作状语表示正在进行的动作,比如:The girl is looking at the smart dog,smiling.