


  Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families.


  The fox knew too much, that‘s how he lost his tail.


  Adversity is a good discipline.


  Whether the pitcher strikes the stone, or the stone thepitcher,it is bad for the pitcher.


  The fox may grow gray but never good.


  You may know by a handful the whole sack.


  Where there is life, there is hope.


  The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man.


  A march which is 25.000 miles long, used to describe anarduousjourney.


  A fish is drinking water, meaning that one speaks hesitantly.


  There are numerous stone lions on Lu Gou Bridge. It is usedtodescribe a large amount.


  Actions speak louder than words.


  Liquor brings out a person‘s true color

  八仙过海 The Eight Immortals cross the sea/each displaying his or her special powers

  半天空里挂口袋 Hanging a bag in mid-air/holding the wind(feigning madness)

  半夜里偸桃吃 Stealing peaches at midnight/picking only the soft ones

  扁担没扎 A shoulder pole carelessly loaded/both loads will fall off

  搽粉进棺材 Putting make-up on before entering the coffin/saving face even when dying

  茶壷里煮饺子 Boiling dumplings in a teapot/no way to get them out

  城门里扛竹竿 Carrying a pole through a city gate/in and out in a straight line

  窓戸上的纸 Paper window panes/torn by a touch

  打破砂锅 Breaking an earthenware pot/cracking down to the bottom(getting to the root of the matter)

  大姑娘座花轿 A girl sitting in a bridal sedan chair/the very first time

  大热天穿棉袄 Wearing a padded coat on a hot day/out of season

  大水冲倒龙王庙 The Temple of the Dragon King washed away by a flood/not recognizing one’s kinsman

  刀尖上翻筋斗 Turning somersaults on knives/playing with one’s life

  电线杆当筷子 Using telephone poles as chopsticks/putting much material to petty use

  「才干」面杖吹火 Using a rolling pin to blow a fire/totally impenetrable(a complete ignoramus)

  高射炮打蚊子 Killing a mosquito with a cannon/making a mountain out of molehill

  隔年的皇暦 Last year’s almanac/out of date

  狗拿耗子 A dog catching a mouse/poking one’s nose into other people’s business

  狗咬刺猬 A dog snapping at a hedgehog/having nowhere to bite

  狗咬吕洞宾 A dog biting Lue Dongbin/not being able to recognize a kind-hearted man

  狗座轿子 A dog sitting in a sedan chair/unable to appreciate a favor

  棺材里伸手 A hand stretched from a coffin/asking for money even when dead

  韩信将兵 Han Xin commanding troops/the more the better

  和尚打伞 A monk holding an umbrella/having neither hair(law) nor sky(Providence)

  和尚的脳壳 A monk’s head/with no hair(no way out)

  黄连树下弾琴 Playing the zither under a Chinese pistache tree/seeking happiness from bitterness

  黄鼠狼単咬病鸭子 A sick duck bitten by a weasel/more bad luck

  黄鼠狼给鶏拝年 The weasel pays a New Year call on the hen/not with good intentions

  火焼眉毛 Eyebrows on fire/concentrate on immediate matters

  鶏蛋里挑骨头 Picking bones from eggs/finding fault deliberately

  姜太公钓鱼 A fish jumping to Jiang Taigong’s hookness and baitless line/a willing victim

  脚底上擦油 Putting grease onto one’s soles/to slip away

  井里的蛤蟆 A frog in a well/never having seen the whole sky

  孔夫子搬家 Confucius moves house/nothing but books(always lose)

  快刀打豆腐 Bean curd cut with a sharp knife/smooth on both sides

  癞蛤蟆打哈欠 A toad yawns/a gaping mouth(talking big)

  癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅鸟 A toad craving for swan’s flesh/an impractical dream

  老虎戴仏珠 A tiger wearing a monk’s beads/a vicious person pretending to be benevolent

  老虎的屁股 The buttocks of a tiger/cannot be touched

  老虎嘴上抜胡子 Pulling a tiger’s whiskers/only to court death

  老鼠掉进书箱里 A mouse in a bookcase/chewing up the pages

  老鼠过街 A rat runs across the street/everyone joins the hue and cry

  老鼠爬秤钩 A mouse climbs onto a steelyard hook/weighing itself in the balance(chanting the praises of oneself

  老鼠钻进风箱里 A mouse in a bellows/pressed from both ends

  老鼠钻牛角 A mouse in an ox horn/meeting a dead end

  老王売瓜 Lao Wang selling melons/praising his own wares

  雷公劈豆腐 The God of Thunder cleaves a bean curd/seeking out the sort and weak to bully

  搂草打兎子 Raking the hay and catching the rabbit/with no extra trouble

  马尾穿豆腐 Threading bean curd with a hair from a horse’s tail/impossible to lift up

  猫哭老鼠 A cat crying over a mouse’s misfortune/sham mercy

  门缝里「目秋」人 Gazing at someone from behind a slightly opened door/taking a narrow view of person

  木匠戴枷 A carpenter in a cangue/suffering from one’s own endeavors

  泥菩萨过河 A clay Buddha crossing a stream/hardly able to save itself

  螃蟹挟豌豆 A crab carrying a pea/crawling and rolling

  旗杆上挂灯篭 A lantern hung from a flagpole/high and bright

  骑驴看唱本 Reading a book on donkey back/reading while riding(wait and see)

  骑在老虎背上 Riding a tiger/having no control over oneself

  千里送鹅毛 Travel a thousand miles to bestow a goose feather/a small gift may be a token a profound friendship

  青石板上钉钉 Driving a nail into a stone slab/impossible to penetrate

  秋后的蚂蚱 A grasshopper at the end of autumn/its jumping days are numbered

  热锅上的蚂蚊 A swarm of ants on a hot oven/milling around in a panic

  肉包子打狗 A meat bun thrown at a dog/by no means retrievable

  十五只吊桶打水 Fifteen buckets to draw water from a well/seven up and eight down

  寿星老上吊 A person of longevity hangs himself/growing tired of living a long life

  睡在磨盘上 Sleeping on a millstone/expecting a turn of fortune

  孙猴子的脸 The Monkey King’s face/unpredictable changes

  太平洋上的警察 In charge of the Pacific Ocean/excessive responsibilities

  太歳头上动土 Digging clay near Taisui/being reckless

  鉄打的公鶏 An iron rooster/not a feather can be pulled out

  聴评书掉目涙 Shedding tears while listening to pingshu(story telling)/worrying about the ancients

  秃子跟着月亮走 A bald head shines in the moonlight/reflected glory

  秃子头上的虱子 A louse on a bald head/too obvious

  兎子的尾巴 A hare’s tail/cannot be too long

  脱了裤子放屁 Taking off the pants to break wind/make an unnecessary move

  外甥打灯篭 The nephew holds a lantern for his uncle/things stay unchanged

  王八吃秤砣 A tortoise swallowing a weight/get an iron heart

  蚊子叮菩萨 A mosquito bites a clay idol/mistaken identity

  乌亀吃蛍火虫 A tortoise which has swallowed a firefly/bright inside

  虾子过河 A shrimp crossing a river/modesty

  小葱拌豆腐 Shallot mixed with bean curd/one green and one white(completely clear-cut or innocent)

  小孩児放鞭炮 Kids letting off firecrackers/feeling both joy and fear

  小和尚念経 An apprentice monk reciting scriptures/saying what one does not mean

  秀才遇见兵 A scholar meeting a warrior/unable to vindicate oneself against an unreasonable opponent

  阎王爷出告示 The King of Hell’s announcement/a whole series of lies

  张飞穿针 Zhang Fei threading a needle/subtle in one’s rough ways

  丈二金刚 The giant monk’s head/cannot be reached(cannot make head or tail of something)

  芝麻开花 Sesame in bloom/rising steadily

  周瑜打黄盖 Zhou Yu beats Huang Gai/the punishment is appropriately given by one and willingly accepted by the other

  猪八戎吃人参果 Zhu Bajie eating ginseng/not knowing the taste at all

  猪八戎照镜子 Zhu Bajie looking at himself in a mirror/blamed everywhere

  竹篮打水 Drawing water with a bamboo basket/achieving nothing

  啄木鸟找食 A woodpecker searching for food/all depending on the mouth