英语翻译 谢谢~

英语翻译 谢谢~世界上的每个人都是不同的,他们都是自己的优势和缺点。可能有的人考试成绩好,有的却不尽如人意。但这却不能够掩盖他们在某些优势项目上的作为。阿里巴巴董事长马云高考数学不也不及格吗?但这并没有阻止他在商业上的成功。所以考试成绩并不是一个人能力的全部体现。

麻烦大神帮我翻一下 多谢了

Everyone in the world is different, they are their own advantages and disadvantages. Some people may have good grades in exams, but others may not be satisfactory. But that does not obscure their role in certain advantageous projects. Ma Yun, chairman of the Alibaba, failed to pass the maths exam in the college entrance examination? But that hasn't stopped him from making a commercial success. Therefore, the examination results are not a complete manifestation of a person's ability.
in the world世界上,究竟; 世上
advantages and disadvantages利弊; 利害; 利害得失
may not不见得;不可以;未必;不得
But that若非
obscure昏暗的,晦涩的; 不著名的,无名的
college entrance examination高考
manifestation表示,显示; 示威