

No matter what the university you have attend

it just a path to success. Therefore what we

need to do is recognize that the ranking is

the secondary factor and whether ourself

achieve success or not is crucially decided by

how effort you paid.

No matter what the university you have attend, it just a path to success. Therefore what we
need to do is recognize that the ranking is the secondary factor and whether ourself achieve success or not is crucially decided by how effort you paid.


你的翻译中,no matter what university you attend, path to success, acheive success, how effort等等都是中文思维。还有你的语法有些凌乱。you have attend(ed), is (to) recognize, oursel(ves) achieve等等存在语法错误。第三,就是中文中庸的习惯,不要带到英语中。英语作为国际通用语言,在于其准确性。像secondary factor,acheive success, university (you have)attend,effort paid等等都继承了现代汉语中庸圆滑的习惯,在英语中其实一个字母就可以搞定。




University, whichever you go to, is simply one of the many routes to success. That is to say, one's success is dependent on how hard he has tried, and university ranking is nothing but a minor factor here.
第1个回答  2013-11-21

No matter what university you attend

it is just a path to success. Therefore what we

need to do is to recognize that the ranking is

the secondary factor and whether we

achieve success or not is crucially decided by

how much effort you paid.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-11-21
No matter what university you attend,it is just a path to success. Therefore, we

need to realize that a ranking should be put in the second place.Whether you can

succeed or not basically depends on how hard-working you are.

第3个回答  2013-11-21
No matter what 【kind of university】 you have 【attended】, it is just a path to success. Therefore 【删掉what引导的主语从句,以免把句子搞的太复杂】we need to recoginize that whether we can achieve success or not is 【mainly】 decided by how 【much】 effort you 【have】 paid and the ranking 【加上of school表示是学校的排名】 is the secondary factor.