英语问题 高手来

1.What is passage the man reading mainly about?
回Mainly read about××× 则这个问句改为陈述句怎么改

He likes a dog 和 He is like a dog 的区别是什么
on holiday 还是 in holiday

1。the man reading 动名词作定语修饰passage,相当于定语从句:What is passage which the man is reading mainly about?
陈述句:The passage the man reading mainly about。。。。

2。like 的两个意思:
He likes a dog【很明显like作动词,因为用了三单,like译为:喜欢,句子译为:他喜欢狗。】
He is like a dog【like在be动词后,作介词,译为:像,句子译为:他像狗】

3。在假期里”按传统用法用in:What are you going to do in the holiday ?
Many tourists came to see his house in holidays.
现在也有用on的:They often go back to see their parents on holiday .
短语on holiday是“在休假”:Mr Green is on holiday.
第1个回答  2010-08-07
LZ啊 你给的两个英语句子安全不通啊 第一个句子应该是
What is the passage the man is reading mainly about
the man is reading 是后置定语从句 修饰前面的passage 因为是正在进行的 所以加 ing
第二句是 He looks like a dog
第2个回答  2010-08-07
1.“man”与“read”是主动关系,Passage (that) the man read is mainly about ***.
第3个回答  2010-08-07
2,He likes a dog 他喜欢狗,like做谓语。动词。
He is like a dog 他像一只狗。be like像。

例子:What does he like?他喜欢什么?
He likes a dog
What is he like?他像什么?
He is like a dog

是on holiday
