
Students will be required to select one reading, from either Week 2 or 3. They will need to read it carefully and identify one of its key arguments and the points made to sustain it. In a short discussion paper (minimum 300 words), they will then need to demonstrate how this argument can be incorporated into another somewhat different discussion/topic of their choice. The discussion paper must incorporate in-text referencing and a reference list. The task must be submitted through Turnitin and a hard copy with an originality report presented to the lecturer in week 6. Papers which have not been submitted through Turnitin will not be marked.The consultation hour can be used to discuss progress on this assessment with your tutor.This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:Understand what culture is and how cultures form and describe the interactions and relationships between persons, societies, cultures and environments at different historical periods.Investigate power, authority, gender, different belief systems and technology, and describe their influence on decision-making and participation in societyApply appropriate language and concepts associated with society and cultureSelect, organise and analyse information from different sources for usefulness, validity and bias and plan research integrating such information.这是我的英语作业....请英语学霸告知他要我写什么?

学生将被要求选择一个阅读,从周2或3。他们需要仔细阅读,并确定它的一个关键参数和点来维持它。一张短的讨论纸(最小的300个词汇), 然后他们将需要显示这争论能如何被结合到另一个自己选择的有些不同的讨论与主题中。讨论纸必须结合正文参考和一种参考列表。提交的任务必须通过Turnitin和具有创意的硬拷贝报告讲师在星期6。论文通过Turnitin未提交将不明显。咨询时间可以用来与你的导师讨论这个评估进展。这评估任务与下列的学习的结果有关:理解什么文化,以及文化如何形成,并且描述人之间的相互作用和关系, 社会, 在不同的历史的时期的文化和环境,调查力量, 权威, 性别, 不同的信念系统和技术。同时,描述他们的对决策和参与和有社会和cultureSelect的概念societyApply适当的语言的的影响,组织和分析来自不同数据源的信息的有用性,有效性和偏见和计划研究整合这些信息。