Squirrels like to jump, in the branches of the trees were very clever.松鼠喜欢在树枝上跳来跳去,十分机灵. As long as someone touching the trunk, they hide in the number of branchunderneath, or leap to escape some on the tree.只要有人触动一下树干,它们就躲在树枝底下,或连蹦带跳地逃到别的树上去.On a clear summer night,squirrels in the tree called happy dancing, playfully chasing each other.晴朗的夏夜,松鼠在树上高兴的跳着叫着,互相追逐嬉戏. They seem to be afraid of the strong sunlight, often during the daytime hide andrelax in the nest; 它们好像怕强烈的日光,白天常常躲在窝里歇凉; only in the branches were the wind blows disorderly shaking, they arrived at the ground. But never close to people's homes.只在树枝被风刮得乱摇晃的时候,它们才到地面上来.但是从来不接近人的住宅.