安徒生童话的英文读后感, 注意是英文,500-1000字,初二水平。


When she heard the thorns if given the warmth of thorns be able to tell his mother holding a child to run the direction of death. Mother did not hesitate to put an icicle hanging from the thorns into the arms tightly hug, thorns, plunging to her chest, the outflow of the blood drop by drop, but she is only to save their children, and does not know the pain.
Ah! Mother, do you love your children, as long as the child happy, you would prefer to heat can be thorns.
Mother went to a lake, no boat on the lake there is no bridge, Lake said: "If you put your eyes to me, I can take you to death of the greenhouse." Immediately burst into tears after listening to her mother and finally his eyes weeping come out to the lake.
How blind painful thing ah! Mother, but you can not hesitate to use both eyes for the road to find the child.
Greenhouse came to the door, an old lady mother, said: "I can help you, but you take your black to me and took my white hair." Heard the mother hurried exchange with her hair.
Mother, mother, ah! You for their own children have lost their eyes, and now also with shortened life expectancy, in exchange for others to find their children help. You're a very loving child.
Mother of the world love their children are like this in my life, my mother has always surrounded me with love.
I remember once, my mother, I came home from school, suddenly a strong wind comes, my mother see me frozen straight tremble, rushed off his coat draped over my body, with her thin arm for me, blocking the whistling of the north wind. I Suzhebozi, eyes closed, feeling very warm. When I opened my eyes and found a strong wind is merciless beating his mother's back. I have frequently asked: "Mom Are you cold?" Mom smiled shaking his head, patrol, I quickly move forward.
In my life, bit by bit, the feelings of her mother's great maternal love is also accompanied by my growth.

第1个回答  2010-08-30
When she heard the thorns if given the warmth of thorns be able to tell his mother holding a child to run the direction of death. Mother did not hesitate to put an icicle hanging from the thorns into the arms tightly hug, thorns, plunging to her chest, the outflow of the blood drop by drop, but she is only to save their children, and does not know the pain.
Ah! Mother, do you love your children, as long as the child happy, you would prefer to heat can be thorns.
Mother went to a lake, no boat on the lake there is no bridge, Lake said: "If you put your eyes to me, I can take you to death of the greenhouse." Immediately burst into tears after listening to her mother and finally his eyes weeping come out to the lake.
How blind painful thing ah! Mother, but you can not hesitate to use both eyes for the road to find the child.
Greenhouse came to the door, an old lady mother, said: "I can help you, but you take your black to me and took my white hair." Heard the mother hurried exchange with her hair.
Mother, mother, ah! You for their own children have lost their eyes, and now also with shortened life expectancy, in exchange for others to find their children help. You're a very loving child.
Mother of the world love their children are like this in my life, my mother has always surrounded me with love.
I remember once, my mother, I came home from school, suddenly a strong wind comes, my mother see me frozen straight tremble, rushed off his coat draped over my body, with her thin arm for me, blocking the whistling of the north wind. I Suzhebozi, eyes closed, feeling very warm. When I opened my eyes and found a strong wind is merciless beating his mother's back. I have frequently asked: "Mom Are you cold?" Mom smiled shaking his head, patrol, I quickly move forward.
In my life, bit by bit, the feelings of her mother's great maternal love is also accompanied by my growth.

第2个回答  2010-08-29
安徒生(Heinz Christian Andersen, 1805—1875)丹麦作家。1805年4月2日生于丹麦菲英岛欧登塞的贫民区。父亲是个穷鞋匠,曾志愿服役,抗击拿破仑·波拿巴的侵略,退伍后于1816年病故。当洗衣工的母亲不久即改嫁。安徒生从小就为贫困所折磨,先后在几家店铺里做学徒,没有受过正规教育。少年时代即对舞台发生兴趣,幻想当一名歌唱家、演员或剧作家。1819年在哥本哈根皇家剧院当了一名小配角。后因嗓子失润被解雇。从此开始学习写作,但写的剧本完全不适宜于演出,没有为剧院所采用。1822年得到剧院导演约纳斯·科林的资助,就读于斯莱厄尔瑟的一所文法学校。这一年他写了《青年的尝试》一书,以威廉·克里斯蒂安·瓦尔特的笔名发表。这个笔名包括了威廉·莎士比亚、安徒生自己和司各特的名字。1827年发表第一首诗《垂死的小孩》,1829年,他进入哥本哈根大学学习。他的第一部重要作品《1828和1829年从霍尔门运河至阿迈厄岛东角步行记》于1829年问世。这是一部富于幽默感的游记,颇有德国作家霍夫曼的文风。这部游记的出版使安徒生得到了社会的初步承认。此后他继续从事戏剧创作。1831年他去德国旅行,归途中写了旅游札记。1833年去意大利,创作了一部诗剧《埃格内特和美人鱼》和一部以意大利为背景的长篇小说《即兴诗人》(1835)。小说出版后不久,就被翻译成德文和英文,标志着作者开始享有国际声誉。





1822年8月发表作品《尝试集》,含诗剧及故事共三篇。此集子因其出身寒微而无出版机会,但已引起文化界某些人士的注意。10月,进入中等教会学校补习文化,共读六年,对其教育方式感到痛苦不已;不过这六年中大量阅读名家作品,也练习创作诗篇、歌剧。1827年,离开学校回到哥本哈根。发表诗歌,受到 上流社会 评论家称赞,鼓起安徒生对写作的信心。








