be sure of be sure to do 的区别·


be sure of doing:做某事有把握 be sure to do sth:肯定会做某事 因为后面跟的内容不一样。 be sure that后面加一句完整的句子。如:I'm sure that Simon lives here. Simon lives here. 是完整的句子。 be sure to do sth. 如:They are sure to be late. be late 是一个动词而不是句子 be sure of+名词 如:We're sure of his innocence. be sure that=be certain that
第1个回答  2010-08-21
be sure of doing:做某事有把握 be sure to do sth:肯定会做某事··~~~~~:)本回答被提问者采纳