

第1个回答  2022-10-30
In: talk about an area talk about a position inside an area e.g. There is a bookshop in the shopping centre. On: talk about a position on a surface talk about a level in a building e.g. The key rings are on the shelf. At: talk about an exact place e.g. Sally lives at 85 Nathan Road. There are 53 shops at Rainbow Plaza.
****Preposition of location ~地方介词 ~ on
at 运用方法 1.at ~ 表示确切的地方或地点。 at home在家 at the bus stop在巴士站 at the cinema在电影院 at the station在车站 at the party在派对 at school在学校里 at the airport在飞机埸 at the supermarket在超级市场 2.on ~ 表示某一件物件的位置处于另一件物件之上。 On the table在桌子上 On the road在路上 On the train在火车上 On the floor在地上 On Hong Kong Island在中国香港岛 3.in ~ 表示一个范围较的地方或地点,例如国家、河流、海洋。 in China在中国 in the city在城市里 in the river在河流里 in the ocean在海洋里 in hospital在医院里 in a factory在工厂里 in the room在房间里 in the car在汽车里 ****Preposition of time ~ 时间介词 ~ on
at 1.at ~ 表示准确的时间或节日。 at 4:00p.m. ~ 在下午四时。 at noon ~ 在中午。 at this moment ~ 这一刻 at midnight ~ 在午夜 at sunset ~ 在日落 at dawn ~ 在黎明 at Christmas ~ 在圣诞节 at New year ~ 在新年 2.on ~ 表示一个特殊的时间或日期 on her birthday ~ 在她的生日 on Christmas Eve ~ 在圣诞节前夕 on Thursday ~ 在星期四 on Friday morning ~ 在星期五早上 on a cold day ~ 在一个寒冷的日子里 on September 10
1994 ~ 在一九九四年九月十日 3.in ~ 表示某一时间或时段 in 1990 ~ 一九九零 in March ~ 在三月 in the morning ~ 在早上 in the past ~ 过去 in the future ~ 未来 in the afternoon ~ 在下午 in a week ~ 一星期内 in o months ~ 两个月内 ****Preposition of location位置介词 1.at the top of在……顶上 The bird is at the top of the house. 那只鸟在屋顶上。 2.on the top of放在……之上 Peter’s book is on the top of the other books. 彼得的书在其他书上面。 3.at the back of在后面 Sam was sitting at the back of the classroom. 森坐在课室最后面。 4.in front of在……前面 Miss Lee stands in front of the pupils. 李老师站在同学们的前面。 5.以下都是: Above 在……之上 Below在……之下 Beeen在……之间 Beside在……旁边 Opposite在……对面 Near附近 Behind后面 Next to在……旁边 Under在……下面
参考: 难题100 解
Perpositions of Time : at
and in AT ---We use (at) to designate specific times. 指出一个特定时间 eg. The train is due at 12:15 p.m. (火车 下午 12:15 到达) ON---We use (on) to designate days and dates.指出一个特定日或日期 eg. My brother is ing on Monday. We are having a party on the Fourth of July. IN---We use (in) for nonspecific times during a day
a month
a season
or a year 没有特别指定何年
何季..... eg. She likes to jog in the morning. It is too cold in winter to run outside. He started the job in 1971. He is going to quit in August. Prepositions of Place : at
and in AT-- We use (at) for specific addresses.指定的地址 eg. Peter lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham. ON-- We use (on) to designate names of streets
小径 eg. Her house is on Boretz Road. IN---We use (in) for the names of Iand-areas (town
and continents) 指定的城市
欧洲大陆 eg. She lives in Durham Durham is in Windham County. Prepositions of Time : for and since For---We use (for) when we measure time (seconds
years) 我们用(For) 去量度 时

年... eg. He held his breath for seven minutes. She has lived there for seven years. Since(自从)----We use (since) with a specific date or time.指定某时某日.. eg. He has worked here since 1970. 他自起就在此工作 She has been sitting in the waiting room since o-thirty.她由二时半在等候室坐到现在。