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本人刚开始学习 c++编程急需编程软件上机实验。。。
registration key, follow these instructions.

Visual Studio 2010 Express Product Feature Chart

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Visual C++ 2010 ExpressDownload Visual C++ 2010 Express

Visual Web Developer 2010 ExpressDownload Visual Web Developer 2010 ExpressMicrosoft® Web Platform Installer (WebPI) simplifies the installation and configuration experience for Web application development. Visual Web Developer (VWD) 2010 Express

After installing WebPI, click here.
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Select language... English Read the Release Notes.

All - Offline Install ISO image file

点了以后语言选英文,就会弹出下载 安装要联网
第1个回答  2010-08-26
点Visual C++ 2010 Express,会展开的,选择英语就开始下载了