sometimes sometime some time 用法有什么区别


sometime, some time, sometimes的用法区别 (1) sometime意为“某个时候”,可用于将来或过去来。如:Come to see us sometime. 什么时候来看看我们。I’ll speak to him about it sometime. 我什么时候将和他谈谈这事。We’ll meet again sometime next week. 我们下星期什么时候再碰头。We will hold a meeting sometime next week. 下个星期的某个时候我们将要开个会。I saw him sometime in May. 我是五月什么时候见到他的。I bought it sometime last spring. 我是去年春天什么时候买的。Our house was built sometime around 195o. 我们的房子是195o年前后什么时候盖的。【注】这样用的 sometime 也可写成 some time (即分开写)。如:He died some time last year. 他是去年什么时候死的。 (2) some time 有两个用法:用作副词词组,意为“任何时候”或“某个时候”(= sometime);用作名词词组,意为“一段时间”(不能写成 sometime)。如:It takes quite some time. 它要花相当多时间。Please phone me some time next week. 下个星期什么时候给我打个电话吧。We lived in the country for some time. 我们在农村住过一段时间。I’m afraid it’ll take some time to repair your car. 恐怕修你的车要花相当多时间。 (3) sometimes 意为“有时”。如;He sometimes writes to me. 他有时给我写信。We sometimes act on instinct. 我们有时凭本能行事。Sometimes he went there by bus. 有时他坐公共汽车去那儿。He is sometimes not responsible for what he does. 他有时对所做的事不负责任。Sometimes we’re busy and sometimes we’re not. 我们有时很忙,有时不忙。Living conditions in the city are sometimes unbearable. 城市的生活条件有时很难忍受。Everyone is a fool sometimes, and none at all time. 每个人总有时会发傻,可没有人老是发傻。She likes sometimes the one and sometimes the other. 她有时喜欢这一个,有时又喜欢那一个。
第1个回答  2013-11-06
sometime,某时,作副词,可用于过去时或将来时sometimes,有时,作副词,多用于一般现在时some time,1.一些时间,作名词词组,各时态都可以使用;2.在未来的某时,作副词,用于将来时some times, time的复数形式通常的解释为:时代,次,倍数。所以,some times, 可解释为:几次,几个时代,几倍,作名词词组,可用于过去时、现在时等。例如:1.go to the park again sometime.改天再去那个公园。2.sometimes,I go to school by bike .有时,我会骑着单车上学。3.we need some time to calm down. 我们需要一些时间冷静一下。4. i have called you some times, but you still don't want to talk to me.我给你打了好几次电话,但是你还是不愿意接我的电话。 总的来说sometimes表示一般时态有时
some times 几次
sometime 表示将来时态有时
some time一些时间
第2个回答  2020-08-17


第3个回答  2013-11-06
sometimes 意为有时,sometime意为某个时候 some time意为一段时间。望采纳!谢谢!
第4个回答  2013-11-06