
The captain is there to give direction to the team, in strategy, motivation and inspiration. But he or she also has to play as part of the team. Egos do not play any part in teamwork. If one’s ego gets in the way, such as if one player wants to score a goal and be a hero, he or she may take rashactions instead of maybe letting another person score or helping to create the opportunity to score.
Similarly in the corporate world, each company has its clearly defined goals. Usually these are not as easily specified as in a football match. And it is the job of every employee to ensure that these goals are met. Every member of the corporate team should have specific roles and responsibilities in view of achieving these goals.

The captain 是主语
is是系动词 there是表语
to give direction to the team是状语,
in strategy, motivation and inspiration是状语.
But he or she 是主语also has to play是谓语 as part of the team是状语.
Egos是主语 do not play 是谓语any part是宾语 in teamwork是状语.
If one’s ego gets in the way是状语, such as if one player wants to score a goal and be a hero是同位语, he or she是主语 may take rashactions是谓语
instead of maybe letting another person score or helping to create the opportunity to score是状语.
Similarly in the corporate world是状语, each company是主语
has是谓语 its clearly defined goals是宾语.
Usually是状语 these 是主语 are not是系动词 as easily specified是表语 as in a football match是状语.
And it 是形式主语is是系动词 the job of every employee是表语
to ensure that these goals are met是真主语.
Every member of the corporate team 是主语should have是谓语
specific roles and responsibilities是宾语 in view of achieving these goals是状语.
句子意思 队长在战略、积极性和精神上给予团队指挥,但他或她仍然是团队的一份子。自我主义在团队中没有立足之地。例如一个球员想进球得分自己变成英雄,他就会只顾自己进球得分而不是让其他人得分或帮助别人创造机会得分。企业界也是如此,每一个公司都有明确的目标,通常情况下 ,并不像足球比赛中那样分工明确。每一个员工的工作就是保证这些目标的实现, 考虑到达成这些目标 企业团队中的每一个人 都应该有明确的角色和责任。