
这是在某个里小镇发生的事情。 有个男人在某个房间里被监禁了。 男人睁开双眼,听见了声音。 「给我从那个纸箱中找出一枚两面相同的硬币」 男人看到一个很大的箱子,打开来看,看到里面有很多的硬币。 「如果你找到它,请用桌上的相机拍下那枚硬币。在找到你将不能离开这里。用那边的传真机把照片发送给我。」 男子在纸箱中努力寻找。,终于找到了一枚两面都相同的硬币。 然而,当男人用相机拍下照片准备用传真机发送出去的时候,他发觉了。 他已经,一辈子都没办法从这房间里出去了。


The story happened in a nameless small town. A man was captured in a room. When he opened his eyes, he heard a voice. "Find a coin for me with two idential sides in that cardboard box." The man looked around and saw a big box. He opened it and found lots of coins. "When you find the coin, take a picture of it using the camera on the table. Do not leave there before you find it. Send the photo to me with the fax machine over there". The man tried to search in the box, and finally find a coin with idential sides. However, After taking a photo and faxing it out, he despressively found out that, he already, could not walk out that room any more.


第1个回答  2014-12-23
This is the thing that happened in a certain small town. A man was putted in jail in a certain room. He openned eyes and heared voice. <find a coin whose both sides are same for me>,He saw a very big box .Openned it and saw ,there are many coins,<If you have found it ,please photograph it with the camera on the table. You can't get out of here before find it.Send the photo to me with the fax machine over there>The man tried to find the coin in the paper box. Eventually,he found a coin whose both sides were same . However , when he photographed it and prepared to send it out with the fax machine, he realized that he would never get out from the room.
第2个回答  2014-12-23
This is happening in a small town in. A man in a room, was imprisoned. Man opened his eyes, and heard voices. "Give me find out from the same carton coins one by both sides," the man saw a big box, open it and see there are a lot of coins. "If you find it, please take a rocket coins with the camera on the table. You will not find out of here. With the other side of the fax machine to send a photo to me." In trying to find the man in the carton. Finally found the same on both sides of a coin. However, when a man with a camera ready to take photos sent by fax, he became aware. He has a lifetime no way out from this room.