

say美音:[se]英音:[sei] say的中文翻译 及物动词 vt. 1.说,讲[+(that)] The doctor said she would be all right in a few days. 医生说她过几天就会好的。 How do you say this in English? 这在英语中怎么说? 2.讲述;说明[+(that)][+wh-] 3.表明,指明 4.假定,假设[+(that)] Let's say you miss the train, what do you plan to do? 假定你赶不上火车,你准备怎么办? 5.(常用作插入语)比如说,例如;估计;约摸 You may learn to play the violin in, say, three years. 你可以,比如说,在三年内学会拉小提琴。 6.(人们)认为,声称[H][+(that)][O2] It is said that there has been a serious earthquake there. 据说那里发生了一次大地震。 7.【口】揭示;吩咐[W][+to-v] Mom said to tell you you should take three pills after dinner. 妈关照饭后你得吃三片药片。 不及物动词 vi. 1.说,讲;发表意见 It's not for me to say. 这不应由我发表意见。 名词n. 1.发言权[S][(+in)] I don't think he has much say in this matter. 我想他在此事上不大有发言权。 2.要说的话,意见[S] I've had my say. 我要讲的都讲了。 3.决定权[the S] 感叹词 int. 1.喂,哎呀
第1个回答  2014-04-25
1.v.(动词) 陈述:大声地说;宣告: The children said, “Good morning.” 孩子们说,“早上好” 表达:用言语表达: Say what's on your mind. 说说你在想什么 宣称:作为某人的意见或判断而陈述;宣称: I say let's eat out. 我宣布到外面去用餐 判定:作为确定事实而宣布: It's hard to say who is right in this matter. 很难说这件事谁对谁错 重复或背诵: said grace. 作祷告 公布主张:叙述或坚持;断言 指示;显示: The clock says half past two. 现在时间是两点半 象征:用非语言方式来表达;表明或体现: It was an act that said “devotion.” 那个行为是象征“信仰”上的皈依 设想;假定: Let's say that you're right. 我们假设你是对的 2.v.(不及物动词) 表达自己:作一个陈述;表达自己: The story must be true because the teacher said so. 这个故事一定是真的,因为是老师这么说的 3。n.(名词) 发言的次序,发言权: Having had my say, I sat down. 发完言我就坐下了 发言权:影响或做出决定的权利或权力: Citizens have a say in the councils of government. All I want is some say in the matter. 市民在政府议会中有发言权。我只想在这件事上有些决定权 【古语】 所说的事情;陈述 4.adv.(副词) 大约: There were, say, 500 people present. 大约有500人出席 例如: a woodwind, say an oboe. 木管乐器,比如说双簧管 5.interj.(感叹词) 用于发话之前引起注意: I say, do you have the time? 我说,你有时间吗? 用作表示惊讶、高兴或沮丧的惊叹词 that is to say In other words. 换句话说 更不用说:没必要提及。用来暗指证明某种想法或理由是正确的事情: The yard is a mess, to say nothing of the house. 院子里已经是一团糟,更不用说房子了
第2个回答  2014-04-26
say [sei] vt. & vi. 说; 讲 You may well say so. 你完全可以这么说。 vt. 说明; 表明; 宣称 What do these figures say? 这些数字说明了什么? 比方说; 假定说 It is said that there has been a big flood. 据说, 那里遭受了一场大洪水的袭击。 n. 决定权, 发言权 He wasn't allowed much say in choosing his holiday. 在选择假期的问题上不让他有很多发言权
第3个回答  2014-04-25
第4个回答  2014-04-25