

Dear Peter。

Thanks for your letter. You have asked me how to learn Chinese well. I have four suggestions for you.

Firstly, You can join the Chinese study training. In the training, you can accept the systematic Chinese grammer. The teache will teach how to pronounce well. I think pronounciation is the most difficult part for foreigners.

Secondly, In the spare time, you can read the Chinese novles and magzines, and watch Chinese TV programs. It can improve your feelings of a language, and provide a language enviroment of Chinese.

It is a good way to improve your Chinese.

Thirdly, When you are listening the Chinese song, you can learn to sing it. Many experts said that music can help people learn the language better. In the song, every word will be more emphasised and clear than the oral Chinese.

Fourthly, You can make a Chinese friends to improve your Chinese. 

Sometimes, you can write letters to each other, and in this way, you can practise your Chinese writing, meanwhile, you can know more about the culture of China, it can help you study Chinese better.

I hope my suggestions can help you. Look forward your reply.

Your sincerely.

第1个回答  2014-08-16
Dear PETER Hello, to learn English should learn the Chinese phonetic alphabet, first Hanyu Pinyin memorize, and then re-learn a single word. Learning Chinese should be careful to master pronunciation, in order to learn. I hope you soon learn Chinese! Your friend: XXX 亲爱的PETER 你好,学好中文应该从汉语拼音学起,先把汉语拼音背熟,然后在一个一个字再学。学中文要认真,掌握发音,才能学好。 希望你早日学好中文! 你的好朋友:XXX本回答被提问者采纳