求美国的gradschool of neuronscience的排名


Georgia Tech Graduate Programs Continue to Excel in Engineering and Shows Strong Movement in Chemistry and Computer Science Theory

Atlanta (March 31, 2006) — Georgia Tech’s graduate programs are again ranked among the finest in the nation in the most widely read college rankings for graduate programs, released today. Tech’s College of Engineering retained its position in the elite top five. Tech’s Sciences programs continue to climb up in the rankings. In the most notable change, Tech’s School of Chemistry & Biochemistry moved up 8 slots to number 24 in the chemistry school rankings, which were last ranked in 2002. In addition the College of Computing’s computer science program moved up one slot to 11th overall, and the College’s computer theory specialty surged to 9th place, moving up 7 slots from 2002, when the computer science graduate programs were last ranked.

"It’s great to see so many of our graduate programs sustaining their high national rankings,” said Tech president Wayne Clough. “While rankings are not the sole measure of success, we like to see consistent quality and positive growth.”

Tech’s graduate Engineering curriculum maintained its national stature, once again ranked among the top five in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. Eight of the 11 programs within the College of Engineering ranked among the top 10 in their respective disciplines, led by Industrial and Systems Engineering. That program was ranked number one for the 16th straight year, an achievement almost unheard of in U.S. News rankings. The eight engineering programs ranked in the top 10 are: aerospace (4th), biomedical (3rd), civil (4th), computer (7th) electrical (7th), environmental (7th), industrial and systems (1st) and mechanical (7th).

"Our success is the direct outgrowth of recruiting and retaining the finest faculty and students possible and investing in the infrastructure that allows them to thrive,” said Clough.

For business schools, Tech’s College of Management ranked 34th, down two from last year when it jumped up 10 slots to number 32.

"I’m very proud of our faculty, graduate students and staff,” said Clough. “We’re competing against some of the finest universities in the world and excelling.”

Physics (Ph.D.) Ranked in 2006*

Rank/School Average assessment score (5.0 = highest)

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5.0

Stanford University (CA) 5.0

3. California Institute of Technology 4.9

4. Harvard University (MA) 4.8

Princeton University (NJ) 4.8

University of California–Berkeley 4.8

7. Cornell University (NY) 4.7

8. University of Chicago 4.6

University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.6

10. University of California–Santa Barbara 4.4

11. Columbia University (NY) 4.3

University of Texas–Austin 4.3

13. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 4.2

Yale University (CT) 4.2

15. University of Maryland–College Park 4.1

16. University of California–Los Angeles 4.0

University of California–San Diego 4.0

University of Colorado–Boulder 4.0

University of Pennsylvania 4.0

University of Washington 4.0

University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.0

22. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.8

SUNY–Stony Brook 3.8

24. Ohio State University 3.7

Pennsylvania State University–University Park 3.7

Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 3.7

27. Rice University (TX) 3.6

University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 3.6

29. Brown University (RI) 3.5

Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 3.5

Duke University (NC) 3.5

Michigan State University 3.5

Northwestern University (IL) 3.5

University of California–Irvine 3.5

35. Boston University 3.4

Georgia Institute of Technology 3.4

Indiana University–Bloomington 3.4

New York University 3.4

Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.4

University of Arizona 3.4

University of California–Davis 3.4

University of Florida 3.4

University of Rochester (NY) 3.4

University of Virginia 3.4

45. Florida State University 3.3

University of California–Santa Cruz 3.3

University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 3.3

Washington University in St. Louis 3.3

49. Texas A&M University–College Station 3.2

50. Case Western Reserve University (OH) 3.1

CUNY Graduate School and University Center 3.1

University of Notre Dame (IN) 3.1

University of Pittsburgh 3.1

University of Southern California 3.1

55. Arizona State University 3.0

Dartmouth College (NH) 3.0

Iowa State University 3.0

North Carolina State University 3.0

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) 3.0

University of Massachusetts–Amherst 3.0

University of Oregon 3.0

62. Brandeis University (MA) 2.9

College of William and Mary (VA) 2.9

University of Illinois–Chicago 2.9

University of Iowa 2.9

Vanderbilt University (TN) 2.9

67. Northeastern University (MA) 2.8

Syracuse University (NY) 2.8

University of California–Riverside 2.8

University of New Mexico 2.8

University of Tennessee–Knoxville 2.8

University of Utah 2.8

Virginia Tech 2.8

74. Boston College 2.7

Emory University (GA) 2.7

Louisiana State University–Baton Rouge 2.7

Tufts University (MA) 2.7

University of Connecticut 2.7

University of Delaware 2.7

University of Georgia 2.7

81. Colorado State University 2.6

University of Hawaii–Manoa 2.6

University of Kansas 2.6

University of Nebraska–Lincoln 2.6

85. Colorado School of Mines 2.5

Kansas State University 2.5

Ohio University 2.5

Oregon State University 2.5

University at Buffalo–SUNY 2.5

University of Houston 2.5

University of Missouri–Columbia 2.5

University of Oklahoma 2.5

University of South Carolina 2.5

Washington State University 2.5

Mathematics (Ph.D.) Ranked in 2006

Mathematics (Ph.D.)

Ranked in 2006*

Rank/School Average assessment score (5.0 = highest)

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5.0

2. Harvard University (MA) 4.9

Princeton University (NJ) 4.9

Stanford University (CA) 4.9

University of California–Berkeley 4.9

6. University of Chicago 4.8

7. California Institute of Technology 4.6

New York University 4.6

University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 4.6

Yale University (CT) 4.6

11. Columbia University (NY) 4.5

12. Cornell University (NY) 4.4

University of California–Los Angeles 4.4

14. University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.3

15. Brown University (RI) 4.2

University of Texas–Austin 4.2

17. University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.1

University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 4.1

University of Pennsylvania 4.1

20. University of Maryland–College Park 4.0

21. Duke University (NC) 3.9

Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.9

Northwestern University (IL) 3.9

Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 3.9

University of California–San Diego 3.9

26. Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.8

Rice University (TX) 3.8

SUNY–Stony Brook 3.8

29. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 3.7

Indiana University–Bloomington 3.7

Ohio State University 3.7

Pennsylvania State University–University Park 3.7

University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 3.7

University of Washington 3.7

35. CUNY Graduate School and University Center 3.6

Georgia Institute of Technology 3.6

University of Utah 3.6

38. University of California–Davis 3.5

University of Illinois–Chicago 3.5

University of Virginia 3.5

Washington University in St. Louis 3.5

42. Brandeis University (MA) 3.4

Michigan State University 3.4

University of Arizona 3.4

University of California–Irvine 3.4

University of California–Santa Barbara 3.4

47. Texas A&M University–College Station 3.3

University of Colorado–Boulder 3.3

University of Georgia 3.3

University of Notre Dame (IN) 3.3

University of Southern California 3.3

52. Boston University 3.2

Dartmouth College (NH) 3.2

North Carolina State University 3.2

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) 3.2

56. University of Florida 3.1

University of Iowa 3.1

University of Massachusetts–Amherst 3.1

University of Missouri–Columbia 3.1

University of Oregon 3.1

Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.1

Virginia Tech 3.1

63. Arizona State University 3.0

Iowa State University 3.0

Northeastern University (MA) 3.0

University of Pittsburgh 3.0

67. Claremont Graduate University (CA) 2.9

Florida State University 2.9

Louisiana State University–Baton Rouge 2.9

University of California–Riverside 2.9

University of Kansas 2.9

University of Nebraska–Lincoln 2.9

73. Emory University (GA) 2.8

SUNY–Binghamton 2.8

Syracuse University (NY) 2.8

University at Buffalo–SUNY 2.8

University of California–Santa Cruz 2.8

University of Delaware 2.8

University of Tennessee–Knoxville 2.8

80. Auburn University (AL) 2.7

Kansas State University 2.7

Oregon State University 2.7

SUNY–Albany 2.7

University of Connecticut 2.7

University of Kentucky 2.7

University of New Mexico 2.7

University of Oklahoma 2.7

University of Rochester (NY) 2.7

89. Clemson University (SC) 2.6

Colorado State University 2.6

Oklahoma State University 2.6

Tufts University (MA) 2.6

University of South Carolina 2.6

94. Case Western Reserve University (OH) 2.5

Lehigh University (PA) 2.5

Temple University (PA) 2.5

University of Alabama–Birmingham 2.5

University of Houston 2.5

University of Miami (FL) 2.5

Wayne State University (MI) 2.5

Wesleyan University (CT) 2.5

Earth Sciences (Ph.D.) Ranked in 2006

Earth Sciences (Ph.D.)

Ranked in 2006*

Rank/School Average assessment score (5.0 = highest)

1. California Institute of Technology 4.9

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.8

Stanford University (CA) 4.8

4. University of California–Berkeley 4.6

5. Columbia University (NY) 4.4

University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 4.4

7. Pennsylvania State University–University Park 4.3

8. University of Arizona 4.2

9. Harvard University (MA) 4.1

University of Texas–Austin 4.1

11. Princeton University (NJ) 4.0

University of California–Los Angeles 4.0

University of Washington 4.0

Yale University (CT) 4.0

15. Cornell University (NY) 3.9

University of California–San Diego 3.9

University of Chicago 3.9

University of Wisconsin–Madison 3.9

19. Brown University (RI) 3.8

University of California–Santa Cruz 3.8

21. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.7

University of California–Davis 3.7

University of California–Santa Barbara 3.7

University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 3.7

25. Rice University (TX) 3.6

University of Colorado–Boulder 3.6

Washington University in St. Louis 3.6

28. SUNY–Stony Brook 3.5

University of Southern California 3.5

Virginia Tech 3.5

31. Arizona State University 3.4

Colorado School of Mines 3.4

Northwestern University (IL) 3.4

34. Duke University (NC) 3.3

Indiana University–Bloomington 3.3

Texas A&M University–College Station 3.3

University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 3.3

38. Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 3.2

University of Hawaii–Manoa 3.2

University of Maryland–College Park 3.2

University of New Mexico 3.2

University of Oregon 3.2

43. Ohio State University 3.1

Oregon State University 3.1

Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.1

University of Miami (FL) 3.1

University of Rhode Island 3.1

University of Utah 3.1

49. Dartmouth College (NH) 3.0

Lehigh University (PA) 3.0

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 3.0

University of Massachusetts–Amherst 3.0

University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 3.0

University of Wyoming 3.0

55. Boston University 2.9

Georgia Institute of Technology 2.9

University of Alaska–Fairbanks 2.9

University of Kansas 2.9

University of Oklahoma 2.9

60. Louisiana State University–Baton Rouge 2.8

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) 2.8

SUNY–Binghamton 2.8

University of California–Riverside 2.8

University of Florida 2.8

University of Nevada–Reno 2.8

University of Rochester (NY) 2.8

67. University of Georgia 2.7

University of Pennsylvania 2.7

University of South Carolina 2.7

70. Colorado State University 2.6

Florida State University 2.6

Michigan State University 2.6

University of Illinois–Chicago 2.6

University of Iowa 2.6

University of Nebraska–Lincoln 2.6

University of Tennessee–Knoxville 2.6

77. Michigan Technological University 2.5

University of Cincinnati 2.5

University of Missouri–Columbia 2.5

University of New Hampshire 2.5

University of Notre Dame (IN) 2.5

Computer Science (Ph.D.) Ranked in 2006

Computer Science (Ph.D.)

Ranked in 2006*

Rank/School Average assessment score (5.0 = highest)

1. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 5.0

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5.0

Stanford University (CA) 5.0

University of California–Berkeley 5.0

5. Cornell University (NY) 4.6

University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.6

7. University of Washington 4.5

8. Princeton University (NJ) 4.4

9. University of Texas–Austin 4.3

University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.3

11. California Institute of Technology 4.2

Georgia Institute of Technology 4.2

13. University of California–San Diego 4.0

University of Maryland–College Park 4.0

15. Harvard University (MA) 3.9

University of California–Los Angeles 3.9

University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 3.9

18. Columbia University (NY) 3.8

Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.8

University of Pennsylvania 3.8

Yale University (CT) 3.8

22. Brown University (RI) 3.7

Rice University (TX) 3.7

University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 3.7

25. Duke University (NC) 3.6

University of Massachusetts–Amherst 3.6

University of Southern California 3.6

28. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.5

29. New York University 3.4

Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 3.4

University of California–Irvine 3.4

University of Virginia 3.4

33. Pennsylvania State University–University Park 3.3

34. Ohio State University 3.2

SUNY–Stony Brook 3.2

University of California–Santa Barbara 3.2

University of Chicago 3.2

University of Colorado–Boulder 3.2

University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 3.2

40. Dartmouth College (NH) 3.1

Northwestern University (IL) 3.1

University of Arizona 3.1

University of California–Davis 3.1

University of Rochester (NY) 3.1

University of Utah 3.1

Washington University in St. Louis 3.1

47. Indiana University–Bloomington 3.0

North Carolina State University 3.0

University of Florida 3.0

Virginia Tech 3.0

51. Arizona State University 2.9

Michigan State University 2.9

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) 2.9

Texas A&M University–College Station 2.9

University of Pittsburgh 2.9

56. Boston University 2.8

University of California–Santa Cruz 2.8

58. University at Buffalo–SUNY 2.7

University of Illinois–Chicago 2.7

60. Colorado State University 2.6

George Mason University (VA) 2.6

Iowa State University 2.6

Oregon State University 2.6

University of California–Riverside 2.6

University of Notre Dame (IN) 2.6

University of Oregon 2.6

67. Case Western Reserve University (OH) 2.5

Syracuse University (NY) 2.5

University of Iowa 2.5

University of New Mexico 2.5

Vanderbilt University (TN) 2.5

Chemistry (Ph.D.) Ranked in 2006

Chemistry (Ph.D.)

Ranked in 2006*

Rank/School Average assessment score (5.0 = highest)

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5.0

University of California–Berkeley 5.0

3. California Institute of Technology 4.9

Harvard University (MA) 4.9

Stanford University (CA) 4.9

6. University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.5

7. Columbia University (NY) 4.4

University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.4

9. Cornell University (NY) 4.3

Northwestern University (IL) 4.3

University of Texas–Austin 4.3

12. University of California–Los Angeles 4.2

Yale University (CT) 4.2

14. Princeton University (NJ) 4.1

University of Chicago 4.1

University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 4.1

17. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 4.0

18. Texas A&M University–College Station 3.9

University of California–Irvine 3.9

University of California–San Diego 3.9

University of Pennsylvania 3.9

22. Pennsylvania State University–University Park 3.8

Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.8

24. Georgia Institute of Technology 3.7

Indiana University–Bloomington 3.7

Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.7

Ohio State University 3.7

University of Colorado–Boulder 3.7

University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 3.7

University of Washington 3.7

31. Rice University (TX) 3.6

University of California–San Francisco 3.6

University of California–Santa Barbara 3.6

34. University of California–Davis 3.5

University of Florida 3.5

University of Pittsburgh 3.5

University of Utah 3.5

38. Duke University (NC) 3.4

Emory University (GA) 3.4

Iowa State University 3.4

University of Arizona 3.4

42. Michigan State University 3.3

University of Virginia 3.3

Washington University in St. Louis 3.3

45. Colorado State University 3.2

Florida State University 3.2

University of Maryland–College Park 3.2

University of Southern California 3.2

49. Arizona State University 3.1

Boston College 3.1

Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 3.1

North Carolina State University 3.1

University of California–Riverside 3.1

University of Georgia 3.1

University of Rochester (NY) 3.1

56. Dartmouth College (NH) 3.0

Rutgers State University–Newark (NJ) 3.0

SUNY–Stony Brook 3.0

University of Iowa 3.0

University of Massachusetts–Amherst 3.0

University of Oregon 3.0

Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.0

63. Brandeis University (MA) 2.9

Brown University (RI) 2.9

University at Buffalo–SUNY 2.9

University of Delaware 2.9

University of Kansas 2.9

University of Notre Dame (IN) 2.9

Wayne State University (MI) 2.9

70. Boston University 2.8

Case Western Reserve University (OH) 2.8

University of Illinois–Chicago 2.8

Virginia Tech 2.8

74. Louisiana State University–Baton Rouge 2.7

New York University 2.7

Oregon State University 2.7

University of Missouri–Columbia 2.7

University of Nebraska Medical Center 2.7

University of South Carolina 2.7

80. Syracuse University (NY) 2.6

University of California–Santa Cruz 2.6

University of Connecticut 2.6

University of Tennessee–Knoxville 2.6

Washington State University 2.6

85. CUNY Graduate School and University Center 2.5

Kansas State University 2.5

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) 2.5

Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 2.5

Texas Tech University 2.5

Tufts University (MA) 2.5

University of Cincinnati 2.5

University of Houston 2.5

Chemistry (Ph.D.) Ranked in 2006

Biological Sciences (Ph.D.)

Ranked in 2006*

Rank/School Average assessment score (5.0 =
第1个回答  2006-09-07

给出了前21名,比较满意的是,有学校名次,有该校 NEURO gradschool 的院或项目名称,而且另人满意的是,每个排名上的学校和该系的项目、实力、名望都有一个很直接简洁的介绍连接。






1 University of California, San Diego Graduate Program in Neuroscience
2 Yale University Neuroscience Program
3 Harvard University Program in Neuroscience
4 University of California, San Francisco Neuroscience Graduate Program
5 Stanford University Neurosciences Program
6 Columbia University Program in Neurobiology and Behavior
7 Johns Hopkins University Department of Neuroscience
8 Washington University Program in Neuroscience
9 University of California, Berkeley Graduate Program in Neurobiology
10 California Institute of Technology Graduate Study in Neuroscience
11 California Institute of Technology Computation and Neural Systems
12 University of Pennsylvania Neuroscience Graduate Program
13 University of Washington Graduate Program in Neurobiology and Behavior
14 Rockefeller University Neuroscience
15 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
16 University of California, Los Angeles Department of Neurobiology
17 Duke University Graduate Program in Neurobiology
18 Case Western University Department of Neurosciences
19 University of Michigan Neuroscience Graduate Program
20 Baylor College of Medicine Division of Neuroscience
21 Brandeis University Neuroscience Graduate Program




第2个回答  2006-08-30
1. 哈佛大学
2. 约翰霍普金斯大学
3. 杜克大学
4. 宾夕法尼亚大学
5. 圣路易斯华盛顿大学
6. 哥伦比亚大学
7. 旧金山加州大学
8. 耶鲁大学
9. 斯坦福大学
10. 安阿伯密歇根大学
第3个回答  2006-08-29
去sayloveyou.icpcn.com 我自己收集的 你去看看 一定有的 你先去看看如果满意就把分给我, 谢谢你。(注意没有WWW) 把分给我撒。 n___n