

应该是《beat it》
They Told Him 他们告诉他:
Don't You Ever Come Around Here “你胆敢再来?
Don't Wanna See Your Face, 不想再见你,
You Better Disappear 你最好消失!
”The Fire's In Their Eyes 怒火在他们眼中升腾
And Their Words Are Really Clear 话语也说得格外明白
So Beat It, Just Beat It 那么就避开吧,避开

[2nd Verse]
You Better Run, 你最好快跑
You Better Do What You Can 最好尽你所能
Don't Wanna See No Blood, 不想看到流血
Don't Be A Macho Man 不要去逞能
You Wanna Be Tough, 你要容忍
Better Do What You Can 最好尽你所能
So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad 那么就避开吧,但你却偏要逞强

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
Just Beat It, Beat It & 就避开吧,避开
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It

[3rd Verse]
They're Out To Get You, 他们赶来抓你
Better Leave While You Can 你就赶快离开
Don't Wanna Be A Boy, 不想乳臭未干
You Wanna Be A Man 你想成为男子汉
You Wanna Stay Alive, 但如果你想活命
Better Do What You Can 就尽你所能
So Beat It, Just Beat It 避开吧,避开

[4th Verse]
You Have To Show Them 你本是要告诉他们
That You're Really Not Scared 你毫不畏惧
You're Playin' With Your Life, 但却是在把生命当儿戏
This Ain't No Truth Or Dare 其实无所谓真理与胆量
They'll Kick You, Then They Beat You, 他们踢翻你,打倒你
Then They'll Tell You It's Fair 然后告诉你这就是公义
So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad 那么就避开吧,但你却偏要逞强

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
Just Beat It, Beat It 就避开吧,避开

Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
Just Beat It, Beat It 就避开吧,避开
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It

然后《history》《heal the world》《you are not alone》《man in the mirror》《bad》《dangerous》《remember the time》《black or White》等等很多。


第1个回答  2009-10-01
但如果你让我推荐 杨大叔的
我只能说 ;老鼠爱大米

heal the world,拯救世界
ben, 本
you are not alone,你并不孤单
i'll be there, 我会在这儿
stranger in moscow 陌生人在莫斯科
childhood, 童年
will you be there,你会在那吗
man in the mirror,镜中男人
earth song, 地球之歌
speechless 无以言表
With a child's heart 童心
music and me 我与音乐

billie jean, 比利金
black or white, 黑与白
thriller 颤栗
beat it, 避开
the way you make me feel,你给我的感觉
smooth criminal, 犯罪高手
dirty diana, 肮脏的戴安娜
blood on the dance floor, 血洒舞池
she's out of my life,他走出了我的生命
they don't care about us 他们不在意我们
bad 真棒
scream 尖叫
I want you back我要你回来
we are the world(是众多歌星一起唱的)
history 历史
rock with you 与你共舞
第2个回答  2009-10-01
beat it
第3个回答  2009-10-01
heal the world
第4个回答  2009-10-01
Music and me(也是小时候的,很可爱)
I’ll be there...(感动..)
one day in your life(虽然是迈变声期唱的..还是很棒,很好听..)
be not always(很感人的歌..不好找.但是一定要听!)
say say say(和披头士主唱合唱的,很轻松的歌,MV也很有意思..)
walking day and night
Don't stop Til you get enough
She’s out of my life(这首要多听几遍才能感受到..)
billie jean(Thriller专辑中经典中的经典..现场版的太空步啊..)
beat it(Thriller另一经典就是你要的B雷- -)
The girl is mine(Thriller...经典)
human nature(Thriller里面我最喜欢的,好听死了...)
I just can't stop loving you(有迈用英语西班牙语法语唱的三个版本,好听又温柔到不行..沦陷..啊啊啊)
the way you make me feel
smooth criminal(MV帅死了啦...不解释..自己去看)
Liberian girl(旋律暴好听!)
Black or white(同Dangerous)
man in the mirror(多听几遍..催泪的..)
stranger in moscow(同man in the mirror)
will you be there(迈对歌迷的话..你会在那么.)
earth song(迈自己最喜欢的公益歌曲)
speechless ..(美)
heal the world We are the world(不用说了..公益歌曲中的极品)
blood on the dance floor(很拉丁啊)
come together(MV喷血啊)
You are not alone(我不信你没听过!!不信!!)
on the line(美..)
fall again(超级催泪...)

另外重磅推荐Michael Jackson的2001年大碟invincible这张专辑...首首好听,每首都是极品啊....16首歌都是超级经典的好听..可惜看不到迈现场演绎他们了...哭.....
1. Unbreakable(无敌至尊) 6:25
2. Heartbreaker(伤心人) 5:10
3. Invincible(万夫莫敌) 4:45
4. Break of Dawn (黎明破晓)5:32
5. Heaven Can Wait(天堂可待) 4:49
6. You Rock My World (天旋地转)5:39
7. Butterflies(心花怒放) 4:40
8. Speechless(无言以表) 3:18
9. 2000 Watts (两千瓦特)4:24
10. You Are My Life (你是我的生命)4:39
11. Privacy(隐私) 5:05
12. Don't Walk Away(一走了之)4:25
13. Cry (哭泣)5:01
14. The Lost Children(失踪的孩子) 4:00
15. Whatever Happens(患难见真情) 4:56
16. Threatened(终极惊吓) 4:19

