
The word IT is more and more often appearing in newspapers and magazines.But what Exactly is IT?Few people can answer at one.
Let’s explain it in a simpler way,IT represent’s “information technology”.It is a “marrying-up ”of products from several high-tech industries:computers,television and mobile Phone.It helps to produce,store,obtain and send information by way of words,numbers,Pictures and sound more quickly and efficiently then ever before.
IT has changed our work and life greatly.When we sit at home,we can get information From all over the world.
Computers have much better memories and can store much more information than any man.Computers can help us do everything:they can pay wages,book various tickets,control machines in factories and send messages through use of e-mail.
Personal computers(PCs) are widely used now.About 245 million people used personal computers in 2000.The PC is a word processor,business organizer,research and educational tool and games player.
The Internet is a computer communications network.It is used for information,e-mail,Business and education.People can communicate on the Internet with others far away from them.So they face a wider world.

The word IT is more and more often appearing in newspapers and magazines.But what Exactly is IT?Few people can answer at one.
Let’s explain it in a simpler way,IT represent’s “information technology”.It is a “marrying-up ”of products from several high-tech industries:computers,television and mobile Phone.It helps to produce,store,obtain and send information by way of words,numbers,Pictures and sound more quickly and efficiently then ever before.
让我们简单的解释一下,IT代表“信息技术”。他是一些高科技产业结合的产品:电脑、电视机 手机。帮助用数据 图片 单词 声音等比原来更快捷有效的方式生产 贮存 获得和发送信息。
IT has changed our work and life greatly.When we sit at home,we can get information From all over the world.
Computers have much better memories and can store much more information than any man.Computers can help us do everything:they can pay wages,book various tickets,control machines in factories and send messages through use of e-mail.
电脑有比任何人都大的数据存储空间和记忆力。电脑可以帮我们做任何事情:可以用于发放薪水 订各种票 控制工厂的机器 用发电子邮件的方式来互通信息
Personal computers(PCs) are widely used now.About 245 million people used personal computers in 2000.The PC is a word processor,business organizer,research and educational tool and games player.
个人电脑(PC)现在用的很广,在2000年有2。45亿的人使用个人电脑。 个人电脑是一个文字处理器, 商业机构, 教育和搜索工具, 也是一个游戏机
The Internet is a computer communications network.It is used for information,e-mail,Business and education.People can communicate on the Internet with others far away from them.So they face a wider world.
因特网是一个计算机通信网络,用来收取信息 发电子邮件 教育 和商业。人们可以在因特网上跟很遥远的人们进行沟通,所以 他们面对的是更大的世界
第1个回答  2009-09-30

第2个回答  2009-09-30
IT 这个词越来越多的出现于报刊上,但IT究竟是什么,很少有人能立刻回答。

简单的讲,IT代表“信息技术”,是几个高科技产业的结合体: 计算机、电视、手机。它令文字、数字、图片还有声音信息的产生、存储还有传送变得比以往任何时候都更加迅速高效。


计算机比任何人类都拥有更好的“记忆”,能存储多得多的信息。计算机能帮助我们做任何事: 领薪水、订票、操纵机械、通过E-mail发送信息。
