
我的梦想是当一名科学家,因为他们有这许多的知识,还帮助着人类科技的进步。在环境污染的今天,我希望可以造出一些东西可以消除环境污染 保护环境
翻译以上文字为英语 警告不要复制后在谷歌翻译张贴
希望语法正确 我是初二了 写我看到懂的

我的梦想是当一名科学家,因为他们有这许多的知识,还帮助着人类科技的进步。在环境污染的今天,我希望可以造出一些东西可以消除环境污染 保护环境

My dream is that when a scientist, because they have so many of the knowledge, but also to help the progress of human science and technology. In the environmental pollution, today, I hope that something could be produced to protect the environment pollution can be eliminated
第1个回答  2009-08-27
My dream is to be a scientist.Because they have knowledges of kinds and help human beings improve technology.Nowadays,there is enviroment pullution.I hope there will be something to eminate the polltuion to protect enviroment.
第2个回答  2009-08-27
my dream is to be a scientist because scientists have much knowlage,and they will help to advance science and technology in the humankind histroy. At the time of environmental pollution, i hope to make something to get rid of pollution and protect environment.
第3个回答  2009-08-27
My dream is to be a scientist. Because scientists have a lot of knoweledge and they also help to improve the technology level. Nowerdays, the environment is polluted badly, and I hope I can introduce something to protect the environment.