

晚上回家不能晚过8点Go home at night not later than eight points
早上家人互相问好Morning say hello. Each other family
每个人要勤干家务Everyone should work frequently do housework
每天早晨都要锻炼Every morning exercise
吃完晚饭要洗自己的饭碗After dinner, shall wash his bowl

每天都要穿校服Every day must wear school uniforms
走廊内禁止跑跳The corridor is forbidden in the running and jumping
同学之间互相团结Students unite
每天认真做间操Every day do room fuck
不随手扔垃圾Do not throw rubbish everywhere

第1个回答  2013-04-07
Wear uniforms everday2 Don't take your phones to school3 Don't be late4 Don't talk in class5 Don't eat in class6 Help each other7 Finish your schoolwork on time8 Wear your sport shoes in gym class9 Finishi your work by yourself10 Don't fight with others11 Don't run or shout in the classrooms12 Try to answer teacher's questions13 Disuss questions with your groups14 Study hard15 Be polite 1 Don't go out on school nights2 Don't play compter games on school nights3 Don't get up late on school monings4 Don't watch TV on school nights 5 Don't meet your friends on school nights6 Don't stap up late on school nights7 Wash your clothes on weekends8 Help with housework when you're free9 Be friendly to your family members10 Take care of yourself
第2个回答  2013-02-27
1 Wear uniforms everday
2 Don't take your phones to school
3 Don't be late
4 Don't talk in class
5 Don't eat in class
6 Help each other
7 Finish your schoolwork on time
8 Wear your sport shoes in gym class
9 Finishi your work by yourself
10 Don't fight with others
11 Don't run or shout in the classrooms
12 Try to answer teacher's questions
13 Disuss questions with your groups
14 Study hard
15 Be polite
1 Don't go out on school nights
2 Don't play compter games on school nights
3 Don't get up late on school monings
4 Don't watch TV on school nights
5 Don't meet your friends on school nights
6 Don't stap up late on school nights
7 Wash your clothes on weekends
8 Help with housework when you're free
9 Be friendly to your family members
10 Take care of yourself