
A perfectly poured history of the world's greatest beer
For millions of beer lovers the world over, a properly poured pint of Guinness Stout is as close to perfection as beer gets. Each year, fans of the legendary black liquidation enjoy two billion pints of the beer known for its distinctive creamy head and rich drinkability. Ireland's most famous export, Guinness Stout - and the people who have brewed it - hold a unique place in the history of beer, business and Ireland itself.
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A perfectly poured history of the world's greatest beer


For millions of beer lovers the world over, a properly poured pint of Guinness Stout is as close to perfection as beer gets. Each year, fans of the legendary black liquidation enjoy two billion pints of the beer known for its distinctive creamy head 【26. (啤酒等倒出后产生的)泡沫27. (浮在牛奶表层的)奶脂层】and rich drinkability. Ireland's most famous export, Guinness Stout - and the people who have brewed it - hold a unique place in the history of beer, business and Ireland itself.


They say that good things come to those who wait. When you wait on a perfectly poured pint of Guinness Stout, you know you're getting something good. It's more than just a pint of beer; it's a mouthwatering visual presentation of the quality and taste you're about to enjoy. And millions wait patiently for their pint every day. To find out why, famed beer and beverage writer Bill Yenne talks to everyone from Guinness's master brewer to typical pubgoers about the beer they hold dear. Whatever magic makes it so delicious, it's powerful enough to soothe the souls of beer lovers from Dublin to Boston to Buenos Aires to Lagos, and everywhere in between.

他们说,好东西会来到等待它的人身边,当你正在等待一品脱的健力士黑啤酒,你知道好东西就要来了!它不仅仅只是一品脱的啤酒!对于你即将要品尝到的品质与口味,它都会将它以令人垂涎欲滴的方式呈现出来。而且这些数以百万计的人每天都会耐心地等待着它。为了找出原因,从酒的酿造大师到经常到酒吧的人,著名的啤酒饮品作家Bill Yenne与不同的人针对他们视为珍宝的黑啤酒进行交谈。无论是什么魔法使它这么美味,它就是有这个能力慰藉爱好者的灵魂,无论你是来自柏林或波士顿、布宜诺斯 或者是拉各市,或者是它们之间的任何一个城市。

But Guinness is more than a delicious beverage, it's also the name of a remarkable family of brewers and entrepreneurs whose story is worthy of legend, and who occupy a prominent place in Irish history. In Guinness, Yenne traces the 250-year tale of the family and its namesake beer. Beginning with Arthur Guinness, the entrepreneur patriarch who first began brewing at St. James's Gate, Dublin, in 1759, the story follows succeeding generations of the Guinness family through the years. Yenne follows not just the fortunes of the family Guinness, but also the development of the brand and the beer - from Arthur's earlier porter to the beer that is enjoyed in 150 countries today.

健力士不只是一种美味的饮料,它更是一个伟大的啤酒酿造家族和一个经历足可以被称为传奇的企业家的名号。这个企业家在爱尔兰历史上占据着一席之地。关于健力士啤酒,Yenne记录了吉尼斯的家庭与和以他姓名命名的啤酒的二百五十年的传奇。1759年, 这位企业的创办者Arthur Guinness在都伯林第一次开始在圣路易斯的牌楼里酿酒。后来这个故事在健力士留传了很长一段时间。但Yenne追求的不仅是这个家族的财产,更是这个品牌的发展和由黑啤酒发展而来的健力士的未来。

第1个回答  2009-09-18



第2个回答  2009-09-18
第3个回答  2009-09-18