



例句 We have no idea how she will do that.



Will Wright 威尔·莱特 ; 威尔·赖特 ; 到威尔 ; 威尔

Will Rogers 威尔·罗杰斯 ; 罗杰斯 ; 罗格斯

Iron Will 决战冰河 ; 钢铁意志 ; 毅力 ; 加W属性

Will Tiao 刁毓能

Will Self 威尔·塞尔夫 ; 舍尔夫

Will Stofega 斯托费加 ; 斯多费加 ; 斯托弗加 ; 斯托夫加

Will Forte 威尔佛提 ; 威尔佛特 ; 编剧

LIVING WILL 生前遗嘱 ; 生前预嘱 ; 生预嘱 ; 生存遗嘱

Deadly Will 囧探佳人



desire    英[dɪˈzaɪə(r)]    美[dɪˈzaɪər]    

n.    愿望; 欲望; 渴望; 情欲; 肉欲; 性欲; 想望的人; 渴望的事物;    

v.    渴望; 期望; 想望; 被(某人)吸引; 对(某人)产生性欲;    

[例句]I had a strong desire to help and care for people


第1个回答  推荐于2019-11-12
will 英[wɪl] 美[wɪl]
n. 愿意; (力) 意志; [法] 遗嘱;
vt. 决心要; 将(财产等)遗赠某人; (某事发生) 用意志力驱使;
vi. 愿意, 希望, 想要;
I will kill you!
will 与be going to的区别
be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点差别:1. be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:He is going to write a letter tonight.
He will write a book one day.
2. be going to表示根据主观判断将来绝对发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。 如:
He is seriously ill.
He is going to die.
He will be twenty years old.
3. be going to含有“打算,准备”的意思,而will则没有这个意思,如:She is going to lend us her book.
He will be here in half an hour.
4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to,而多用will。如:If any beast comes at you, I'll stay with you and help you.
5. will可以表示主动为他人做某事或是给出一个承诺,可以翻译为„为‟和„会‟。
It is very cold. I will make you some hot coffee.
If you take part in the election, I will support you.
第2个回答  2015-04-11
will will[轻读)wəl; wəl;
(重读)wIl; wil]《源自古英语“想要”的意思》助动词1 将…,会…I hope the weather ~ be fine and you ~ have a
good time.我希望天气将会很好而你也过得愉快It ~ be fine tomorrow.明天将会放晴I ~ be seventeen next birthday.再过一次生日,我就十七岁了The party ~ be postponed if it rains
tomorrow.如果明天下雨,聚会将会延期I'll have finished this work by five
o'clock.在五点前我将完成这件工作W~ he be able to hear at such a distance
?.在这样的距离他听得到吗 ?W~ we see you again next term ?.下学期我们会再见到你吗 ?2a. 想做…,打算做…All right, I ~ do so.好,我会这样做I won't go to such places again.我不会再去那种地方No, I ~ not.不,我不要b. 打算 [想要] 做…吗? 做…好吗? 要不要…?W~ you go there tomorrow ?.你明天要去那里吗 ?W~ you pass me the sugar ? = Pass me the sugar,
~ you?.请你把糖递给我,好吗?W~ [Won't] you have some tea ? = Have some tea,
won't you ?.要不要喝点茶 ?You won't say that, ~ you ?.你不会说那种话吧?You'll try it, won't you ?.你会试试它吧 ? 你会试著去做吧 ?Come and sit here, ~ you ? (.用下降语调) 过来这里坐,好吗 ?c. [在条件句 if-clause 中,对主词[对方]有善意的期待]连接词A 1 a 肯…,能…I shall be glad [pleased] to go, if you ~
accompany me.如果你能陪伴我,我乐意去3(wIl; wil)a. 想要 (做…) , (无论如何) 想做…Let him do what he ~.让他做他想做的事吧Come whenever you ~.无论什么时候,你想来就来You ~ have your own way.你总是一意孤行He won't consent.他无论如何都不同意This door won't open.这个门怎么也打不开b. 总会…Boys ~ be boys→ boy 1 aAccidents ~ happen→ accident 1Errors ~ slip in.错误总会悄悄地溜进去 [错误难免]4 大概…,可能…(cf. would A 4)That ~ be George at the door. (.来到) 门边的大概是乔治吧I'm sure she'll have finished by now.我相信她现在大概已经做完了5 a. 常 (做) …(cf. would A 3)He ~ often sit up all night.他常常熬夜b. (当作特征) 会…Oil ~ float on water.油会浮在水上6<东西>有做…的能力,能做…(cf. would A 5)The back seat of this car ~ hold three
people.此车后座可坐三个人will do适当,管用,可以,可行will[wIl;
wil]名词1 a. (U) [常the ~] 意志free ~自由意志want of ~意志薄弱the freedom of the ~意志的自由the ~ to power权力意志; 支配别人的欲望The ~ is as good as the deed. (谚)做事先要有意志b. [the ~]<想做…的>决意,决心; 意愿the ~ to win想赢的决心the ~ to succeed成功的欲望2 (U) [又作a. ~] 意志力,自制My eldest son has a strong [weak] ~.我的长子意志坚强 [薄弱]Where there's a ~, there's a way. (谚)有志者事竟成3 a. (U) [God's ~] (神的) 旨意,天意God's ~ be done.但愿神的旨意能实现b. (C)[常 one's ~] (人的) 愿望,希望,意愿work one's ~做自己想做的事,达成愿望have one's (own) ~坚持己见,为所欲为a clash of ~s意志的冲突4 (U) (对别人所怀的好意或恶意的) 心意; 意向It is your father's ~ that you follow in his
footsteps.你父亲的心愿是要你继承父业5(C)‘法律’遗书; 遗嘱make [draw up] a [one's] ~立遗嘱against one's will非出于自愿地,违背本意地I undertook the job against my ~.我无可奈何地接受那件工作at will随意地,随心所欲地of one's own free will出于自由意志地,自愿地He did it of his own free ~.那是他自愿做的with a will热心地,认真地,努力地work with a ~热心工作with the best will in the world有意尽全力地,诚心诚意地He went to work with the best ~ in the world,
but the task was too great for one man.他有意尽全力地工作,但该工作非一人所能胜任及物动词(~ed)(文语)1 a. 企图,决意If he ~s success, he can find it.假如他决心要成功,他就能成功b. 希望,想要God ~s (that) we (should) be happy
together.上帝的意旨是要我们快乐地在一起c. 希望,想要<做…事>Many wish, but few ~, to be good.很多人希望为善,但决心为善者很少2 a. 凭意志力使<人><做…>She could ~ any young man to turn around.她凭意志力能使任何年轻男人回头看她b. [~ oneself]凭意志力<做…>He can ~ himself to fall asleep.他能凭意志力入睡c. 用意志力使<人>[做…][into]He ~ed the genie into his presence.他能用意志力使神仙出现在他的面前d. [~ oneself]用意志力[做…],勉强[做…][into]He ~ed himself into contentment.他勉强使自己满意3 立遗嘱将…赠与<某人>~ one's money to a hospital立遗嘱把钱捐赠给医院She ~ed me this diamond.她立遗嘱赠给我这颗钻石不及物动词(文语)1 运用意志力,决意2 希望,想要Come when you ~.你想要来时,就来吧You must stay, whether you ~ or not [no].不管你愿不愿意,你都必须留下来God willing如果幸能那样; 假如顺利God ~, we'll be there tomorrow.假如顺利,我们明天就到达那里
第3个回答  推荐于2017-10-03
n.愿意; 意志(力); [法]遗嘱;
vt.决心要; 将(财产等)遗赠某人; 用意志力驱使(某事发生);
vi.愿意, 希望, 想要;
aux.将,将会; 会,要;
第4个回答  2019-06-05

I will 是指我会、我将。

I 英 [aɪ]  pron. 我

will  英 [wɪl]  美 [wɪl] 

n. 意志;决心;情感;遗嘱;意图;心愿

vt. 决心要;遗赠;用意志力使

vi. 愿意;下决心

aux. 将;愿意;必须


1、I will show you how to do it. 


2、So I will go with this for the thickness of one sheet. 




1、n. 意志;情感;[法]遗嘱;意图;心愿

emotion , intention , purpose , meaning , wish

2、vt. 决心要;遗赠;用意志力使


3、vi. 愿意;下决心

prefer , decide

同根词:词根: will


willing 乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的

willful 有意的;任性的;故意的


willingly 欣然地;愿意地,乐意地

willfully 故意地;任性固执地


willingness 乐意;心甘情愿;自动自发

willpower 意志力;毅力

willfulness 任性;故意

