

Focus on these 4 gifts and the world will seem like a much brighter place:
1. Your buddy network.
Friends are there to comfort and guide you every step of the way. They also deal with trials every now and then, like you. It is adventurously therapeutic for you to walk together, communicate authentically, and support each other through times of difficulty.
2. Your beautiful world.
Stop and take time to appreciate the trees, the birds, and the wind blowing in your face. Look around you. It’s a magnificent world that’s available to you 24 hours a day—for free. The simplest things that can make you happy are around you, right now.
3. Your ability to work.
Even if you’re currently out of work, there are opportunities, and you will seize one eventually. It’s always empowering to realize you have options to earn and take care of yourself.
4. Your opportunity to travel.
It’s a big world out there and you have the chance to explore new sights and different experiences. The cultures of other countries will leave you mesmerized with how congruent or vastly different we all are, even though we live under the same blue sky. And if you can’t travel far, you can still venture to unfamiliar places and experience something new.
As an online dating coach, I hear about singles' flirting frustrations daily and in bulk -- and of course, help them through it all. The one thing I consistently observe is that dating is just as much about mindset as it is action. Your attitude on love impacts your experiences more than you know. Receiving a message from an undesirable match can make you feel less hopeful. A few failed dates in a row can affect your confidence. And seeing friends pair up while you're left solo can make your heart feel a little bit more lonely.
I recently read Amazing Things Will Happen: A Real-World Guide on Achieving Success and Happiness, a book with so many lessons that can help shift your perspective in your dating life -- and beyond. Here are my favorite few lines from (the amazing) C.C. Chapman and how his new release can apply to your love life:
"The sooner you realize that the journey is part of the enjoyment, the more fun your adventure will be." It's easy to get discouraged in the dating world, especially since when you take your love life digital, a lot of singles get focused on "results." But just because you can quantify your prospects doesn't mean that the experience of finding your "One" is about numbers. Remember that dating is a journey without a time limit, and relationships don't always fit neatly into an inbox.
"The worst anyone can ever say is no. But you'll never hear yes if you don't ask." So many online daters, particularly women, tell me that they don't want to message matches -- they'd rather others do the approaching. This applies to offline approaching, too: If you don't start a conversation, you'll never know the potential someone has. Take control of your heart by remembering that it's not who says "hi" to you that matters, but ultimately, who you're genuinely interested in, regardless of who does the approaching. C.C. reminds us that fear of rejection and lack of action can be major dating debilitations.
第1个回答  2015-12-20