

雅思听力选择题练习——雅思听力单选题技巧有哪些?雅思听力单选题难度较大,陷阱较多,做起来并没有想象中那么容易。下面上海环球青藤带我们突破雅思听力单选题拿到。雅思听力单选题,中国考生非常的熟悉,因为可以说从小就是做单选题长大的,雅思听力单选题也有积累很多经验,也有“三短一长,选长;三长一短,选短”段子,不过,总的来说,雅思听力单选题,难度比较大,陷阱比较多,而且有一定的语言理解能力。现在我以雅思复习资料7 Test4 Passage3的一道题为例,道破单选题天机。基本上来说,雅思听力单选题有四个原则:雅思听力单选题方法一: 正确答案和原文“长得可能很不一样”,但是意思相同。对应的一定是统一替换,但是往往与原文会有较大的同意替换雅思听力单选题方法二: 错误答案与原文“长得很相似”,但是往往偷换了概念或未提及。错误答案,往往只是稍微修改了一点原文的信息,但是造成了一定的错误,而且,有些答案是根据某些个人经验杜撰出来的,如果考生不能完全理解原文的语言信息,很容易误选。雅思听力单选题方法三: 确答案语气不是很肯定,但是错误答案语气有可能比较对。当然,这也是相对的,如果考生完全理解文章,那么就应该根据自己的理解的去选答案。雅思听力单选题方法四: 题干和选项一定理解得非常透彻,千万不能马虎。EFFECTS OF NOISEIn general, it is plausible to suppose that we should prefer peace and quiet to noise. And yet most of us have had the experience of having to adjust to sleeping in the mountains or the countryside because it was initially `too quiet', an experience that suggests that humans are capable of adapting to a wide range of noise levels. Research supports this view. For example, Glass and Singer (1972) exposed people to short bursts of very loud noise and then measured their ability to work out problems and their physiological reactions to the noise. The noise was quite disruptive at first, but after about four minutes the subjects were doing just as well on their tasks as control subjects who were not exposed to noise. Their physiological arousal also declined quickly to the same levels as those of the control subjects.27 The writer suggests that people may have difficulty sleeping in the mountains becauseA humans do not prefer peace and quiet to noise.B they may be exposed to short bursts of very strange sounds.C humans prefer to hear a certain amount of noise while they sleep.D they may have adapted to a higher noise level in the city.现在我按照以上的解题原则来解析这道经典的选择题。A选项humans do not prefer peace and quiet to noise.人们不喜欢安排,而喜欢噪音。这个比较容易误选,因为它对应了句话it is plausible to suppose that we should prefer peace and quiet to noise.如果考生不认识plausible(貌似的),那么这个题干与原文很相似,很迷惑考生。B选项,they may be exposed to short bursts of very strange sounds.这个选项在文章里完全没有出现,因此,很容排除。C选项, humans prefer to hear a certain amount of noise while they sleep. 这个选项很容误选。它对应原文And yet most of us have had the experience of having to adjust to sleeping in the mountains or the countryside because it was initially `too quiet', an experience that suggests that humans are capable of adapting to a wide range of noise levels.中文大概的意思是,但是,我们大多数人经历过在深山或农村需要调整自己的睡眠的情况,因为开始的时候,那里太安静了,这个经验也暗示,人类有能力适应各种不同的噪音水平。如果对此理解有误,很多同学就会选择这个答案,因为,这个答案长得与原文很相似,二,根据自己的经验可以感觉选项说法正确。但是原文并没有提到在睡觉的时候喜欢听一点音声。因此,这是错误选项。D选项, they may have adapted to a higher noise level in the city. 这个答案看上去和原文一点都相似,很多同学都认为它是一个未提及的选项,因为没有提到城市,因此,很容易放弃这个选项,因而误选其它答案。那么,这个答案真是正确答案吗?题干的大意是,人们也许过去在城市中适应了很高噪音的环境。那么它对应二句,虽然,文中没有提到城市,但是有涉及农村,一般去农村体验的人,肯定都是城市人,那么他们觉得农村安静,也就意味着城市的噪音比较大,而且an experience that suggests that humans are capable of adapting to a wide range of noise levels.这也暗示了,人们可能在一个地方可以适应噪音水平。那么去农村觉得那里很安静的人,肯定在城市就习惯了高噪音的环境。因此可以判断,这个选项,是正确答案。另外,这个选项的语气比较不肯定,用的是may have adapted,比较客观化,过去可能怎么样,那就意味这也可能不那么做,所以,这个选项比较明显。那么,做错这道题,可能有以下几种原因:a. 没有彻底读懂原文,选了错误选项。b. 没有读清楚题干,题干是The writer suggests that people may have difficulty sleeping in the mountains because,大概意思是,作者认为,人们可能在山里面比较难入睡,因为是:这个对应D选项,因为他们可能在城市里面习惯了噪音环境,因此不习惯那么安静的环境,难以入睡。c. 对做题技巧,不熟悉,先正确答案和原文长得不像,而且,那个选项还用了不肯定的语气。很多同学熟悉雅思出题风格,很容易被相似选项引诱,导致误选。所以,通过这个题目,我想对考生说,雅思听力选择题要拿要注意一下几点:雅思听力单选题注意事项一, 必须要有扎实的语言功底,至少四左右的词汇量,能够正确理解题意和大概理解原文的意思。雅思听力单选题注意事项二, 要掌握一些做题技巧,虽然这些技巧很简单,但是,只要大量练习,就可以形成一种做题的感觉。当然,如果题干都看不懂的考生,仅靠技巧,也是很难选对答案的。雅思听力单选题注意事项三, 雅思阅读理解的单选题的技巧性偏弱,主要考察考生的语言理解能力,因此,强大的理解能力和阅读量才是王道。因此建议考生对雅思阅读理解文章进行大量精读和大量泛读其他英语材料,比如economist.com以上就是上海环球青藤为我们带来的雅思听力单选题方法,希望能够对正在备考的同学有所帮助。2014å¹´9月20日听力机经,可关注环球青藤网站。