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Sixty-one percent of Americans believe the United States did the right thing by dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 64 years ago, according to a new poll.

Older voters, men and Republicans favored the attacks more than younger people, women and Democrats, the survey of 2,409 registered voters by Quinnipiac University showed.

Asked whether the United States "did the right thing or the wrong thing by dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki," Republicans said it was the right thing to do by a margin of 74 to 13 percent, while Democrats favored it 49 to 29 percent.

People over 55 years old favored it by 73 to 13 percent while people aged 18 to 34 favored it 50 to 32 percent.

Men approved of the attacks 72 to 17 percent versus 51 to 27 percent for women.

Blacks and Hispanics were split. Blacks said it was the wrong thing to do by 36 to 34 percent. Hispanics said it was the right thing to do by 44 to 43 percent.

The United States dropped single bombs on the two Japanese cities in August 1945, killing tens of thousands immediately and many more later from radiation sickness.

Americans widely credit the attacks with ending World War Two, believing they may have saved lives because Japan would not have surrendered otherwise.

Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said American support has remained firm over the decades, though it was down from 85 percent approval in a Gallup poll conducted shortly after the bombings.










二:毕业即失业 美国毕业生状告母校索赔学费
A jobless graduate has sued her former college for the more than £40,000 she paid in tuition fees after she failed to find work.

Trina Thompson, 27, claims Monroe College in New York did not do enough to help her find employment.

She is seeking to recover the £42,000 she spent on getting her degree from the college in the Bronx.

Court papers showed that Miss Thompson claimed the college's career centre did not provide her with the right advice or tips on available jobs.

"They have not tried hard enough to help me," she wrote about the college in her lawsuit filed at the Bronx Supreme Court.

Her mother, Carol, said her daughter was "very angry at her situation" having "put all her faith" in her college.

Miss Thompson graduated with a bachelor's degree in information technology in April but has been unable to find work.

She claims she was sent three emails from the college with little job advice.

"I need a full-time job placement and that's what they said they were going to help me with and they didn't," said Miss Thompson.

"The IT career counsellor sent me about three emails saying 'oh I have this job you should apply.' That's it."

A spokesman for the university rejected the claim.

Gary Axelbank, a spokesman for Monroe College, said the lawsuit was completely without merit because the college does assist its graduates in finding employment.













三:为降“伏地魔” 美国哈迷涂鸦路标
Fans of the Harry Potter franchise are suspected of vandalising a series of traffic stop signs in the small suburb of Wauwatosa, Milwaukee.

Police have discovered that several signs have had the word 'Voldemort' added in permanent black marker so that they now read 'Stop Voldemort' in reference to the fantasy film's main villain.

"Is it the crime of the century? No. But the problem is it's starting to add up," patrol specialist Paul Liest told the reporters.

It is thought that around 80 signs have been vandalised in the city, although similar markings have also been spotted across the US and in England.

Leist added: "You couldn't find a more important sign to vandalise. It's imperative people can read a stop sign. We'd like to see this come to an end. Besides we've got more important things to attend to."

Speaking to the Chicago Tribune, Captain Jeff Sutter admitted that officers had only realised what the vandalism meant when one policeman's young son came forward to enlighten them.

"It took a seven-year old to tell us what [the graffiti] was," he explained. "We thought it was just some type of new tagger."

Residents have been offered cash rewards for any tips that lead to an arrest. It is estimated that each sign will cost $80 to replace.









US house prices showed their first monthly gain in three years in May, offering another strong sign the stricken residential real estate market is stabilising.

Home prices unexpectedly climbed by 0.5 per cent from April to May, but were off by 17.1 per cent year-on-year, according to the closely watched Case-Shiller index, published yesterday. The monthly rise was the first since prices peaked in July 2006, while the annual drop marked the fourth consecutive month that the rate of decline slowed after 16 consecutive months of record falls.

“To put it in perspective, these are the first times we have seen broad increases in home prices in 34 months,” said David Blitzer, chairman of the index committee at Standard and Poor's, which publishes the Case-Shiller results. “This could be an indication that home-price declines are finally stabilising.”

In May, 13 of the 20 metropolitan areas tracked showed monthly increases in home prices. The cities with the biggest monthly gains included Cleveland, San Francisco, Dallas and Chicago. Prices continued to fall in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Miami and Seattle.

“Activity is now recovering – and with inventory falling, prices are dropping much less quickly and could even rise a bit [during] the next few months,” said Ian Sheperdson, chief US economist at High Frequency Economics.

Mr Blitzer noted the annual decline remained steep and that home prices probably have a “way to go” before they experience any sustained appreciation.



发布Case-Shiller指数的标准普尔指数委员会主席大卫•布里泽(David Blitzer)表示:“放到大背景下考量,这是34个月来我们第一次看到房价大范围上涨。”“这可能意味着,房价的跌势终于开始趋稳了。”


High Frequency Economics首席美国经济学家伊恩•谢泼德(Ian Shepherdson)表示:“交易活动正在恢复。随着库存减少,价格的下跌大幅放缓,未来几个月甚至可能略有上涨”


