


OMG = Oh my God 我的天啊LOL = Laugh out loud 大声地笑

LMAO = Laughing my ass off 把屁股笑掉了,笑死我了
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing 笑得我满地打滚

WTF = What the fuck 搞什么啊!
SMH = Shaking My Head 摇头,表示失望、不同意
BRB = Be right back 马上就回来
TBH = To be honest 老实说
BTW = By the way 顺便说一句
YW = You're Welcome 不客气
F2F = Face To Face 面对面
TTYL = Talk to you later 晚点跟你聊
SU = See you 再见
TMI = Too much information 你说得太具体了
BFF = Best friends forever 永远的好友
ATM = At the moment 此刻
No.1  likeI like music.我喜欢音乐。
I like you.我喜欢你。
I don’t like ... 我不喜欢……

No.2  love  
I love reading. 我热爱读书。
I love you. 我爱你.

No.3  a … person
I’m a dog person. 我很喜欢狗。
I’m not a coffee person. 我不喜欢喝咖啡。

No.4 thing
Shopping is not my thing. 我不喜欢购物
My thing is to never come out of my room. 我喜欢的是宅在房间里不出来。

No.5 cup of tea
You’re not my cup of tea. 我不喜欢你这一款。
You’re my mug of coffee. 你是我的那杯咖啡。
You were my cup of tea but I drink champagne now. 你过去是我的那杯茶,但现在我改喝香槟了。

No. 6 liking      
He has a strong liking for spicy foods. 他很喜欢吃辛辣的食物。
She never showed any liking for him. 她从不喜欢他。

No. 7 be into
I am really into football.我对足球很着迷。
I was never into sports. 我从来都不喜欢体育项目。

No. 8 fond of
I’m very fond of Michael. 我很喜欢迈克尔。
I’m very fond of cooking.我很喜换烹饪。

No. 9 partial to
He’s partial towomen with blond hair. 他喜欢金发女郎。
I'm not partial to red wine. 我不喜欢红酒。

No.10 soft spot
I have a soft spot for kids. 我特别喜欢孩子。
I have a soft spot for ice cream. 我特别喜欢吃冰淇淋。

说英语·懂时尚·爱哲理 微信公众号【魔力英语Chelsea】
