relate to和be related to的区别是什么?


"Relate to" 是主动语态的动词短语,强调个人与特定话题或情境的联系。而 "be related to" 是被动语态的动词短语,强调两个或多个事物之间的联系或亲缘关系。两者在语法结构上和意义上有所不同,具体使用要根据语境来选择合适的表达方式。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 relate to 与 be related to 吧:

relate to 与 be related to 的区别:


- relate to:是一个动词短语,用于描述人们对主题或经历的理解和共鸣,表示主观感受。


1. I can relate to the character's struggles in the movie.(我能够理解电影中角色的挣扎。)

2. Many people can relate to the challenges of working from home.(很多人能够理解在家办公的挑战。)

- be related to:是一个动词短语,用于表示两个或多个事物之间的关系或连接,表示客观的关联。


1. The book is related to the history of ancient civilizations.(这本书与古代文明的历史相关。)

2. The research findings are related to the study of climate change.(研究结果与气候变化的研究相关。)

区别2:主观感受 vs. 客观关联

- relate to:强调个人对主题或经历的感受,表示共鸣或理解。


1. As a parent, I can relate to the challenges of raising a teenager.(作为一个家长,我能够理解抚养青少年所面临的挑战。)

2. Many people can relate to the feelings of loneliness during the pandemic.(许多人能够理解在疫情期间的孤独感受。)

- be related to:强调两个或多个事物之间的关联或连接,表示客观的关系。


1. The rise in pollution levels is related to increased industrial activity.(污染水平的上升与工业活动的增加有关。)

2. The study found that sleep quality is closely related to overall health.(研究发现睡眠质量与整体健康密切相关。)

区别3:感同身受 vs. 关联或联系

- relate to:表示感同身受或有共鸣,强调情感上的联系。


1. The poem's theme of loss and sorrow is something many people can relate to.(这首诗表达的失落和悲伤是许多人能够感同身受的。)

2. The protagonist's journey of self-discovery is relatable to young adults.(主人公的自我发现之旅对年轻人来说很有共鸣。)

- be related to:表示有关联或联系,强调事物之间的关系。


1. The new research is closely related to previous findings in the field.(这项新研究与该领域的先前发现密切相关。)

2. The company's success is often related to its innovative approach to business.(公司的成功往往与其创新的经营方式相关。)

区别4:主观情感 vs. 客观关联

- relate to:强调个人情感和共鸣。


1. The song's lyrics are so relatable; they speak to my heart.(这首歌词非常贴近我心;它们触动了我。)

2. The story of overcoming challenges in the novel is relatable to many readers.(小说中克服困难的故事让许多读者感同身受。)

- be related to:强调客观上的相关性。


1. The article is related to recent advances in medical research.(这篇文章与医学研究的最新进展有关。)

2. The crime scene is being investigated to determine if it is related to previous incidents.(正在调查犯罪现场,以确定它是否与先前的事件有关。)
