


阿拉伯埃及共和国(阿拉伯语:جمهوريّة مصرالعربيّة‎ ),简称“埃及”。位于非洲东北部,地处欧亚非三大洲的交通要冲,是大西洋与印度洋之间海上航线的捷径。

南接苏丹,西连利比亚,东临红海与巴勒斯坦、以色列接壤,北经地中海与欧洲隔海相通, 东南与约旦和沙特阿拉伯相望,官方语言是阿拉伯语,科普特人会使用由古埃及语演变来的科普特语。





第1个回答  2009-09-21
Gift Giving Etiquette
If you are invited to an Egyptian's home for dinner, bring good quality chocolates, sweets or pastries to the hostess.
. Do not give flowers, which are usually reserved for weddings or the ill, unless you know that the hosts would appreciate them.
. A small gift for the children shows affection.
. Always give gifts with the right hand or both hands if the gift is heavy.
. Gifts are not opened when received
Dining Etiquette
If you are invited into an Egyptian's house:
. You would normally remove your shoes before entering.
. Dress well and conservatively. Appearances are important to Egyptians.
. Compliment the host on the house.
Table manners
. Wait for the host or hostess to tell you where to sit.
. Eat with the right hand only.
. It is considered a sincere compliment to take second helpings.
. Always show appreciation for the meal.
. Salting your food is considered an insult.
. Leave a small amount of food on your plate when you have finished eating. Otherwise they will keep filling it up for you!
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