英语谜语 要求带翻译100题


1 。什么有四个眼睛,但不能见?
2 。怎么做的吸血鬼在午夜?
3 。什么样的开始,永恒的,年底的时间和空间;年初结束,年底的每一个地方呢?
4 。你如何能赶上,但不能丢?
5 。什么是聋哑,但总是告诉真相?
6 。什么一竹篙说,向其他?
7 。有什么舌头,但不能谈?
8 。什么耳朵,但不能听到?
9 。什么牙,但不能吃?
10 。什么是你们的,但所使用的其他多由您自己?
11 。什么经过一个大门,但从来没有谈到在或熄灭?
12 。什么运行所有周围的地面,但绝不会移动?
13 。有什么可以去,通过水,却怎么也找不到湿?
14 。什么样的叶片不属于在秋季?
15 。什么样的房子,至少度量衡?
16 。什么样的钥匙过大,为您的口袋?
17 。哪里鬼想游泳吗?
18 。为什么鬼到命理?
19 。是伯爵以往任何时候都结婚?
20 。为什么警察逮捕鬼?
21 。为何不咸菜关闭其眼睛?
22 。什么开始的“ E ”结束与“ E ”和只包含一个信
23 。如果你被推下的飞行楼梯,你会怎样属于对吗?
24 。什么有眼,但不能见
25 。有什么手指,但不能输入?
26 。什么耳朵,但不能听到?
27 。有什么武器,但不能拥抱?
28 。什么有一个头部和脚,但没有任何机构?
29 。什么有一个口,但从来没有笑容?
30 。有什么脸,但没有头?
31 。有什么叶片,但没有一棵树?
32 。什么有眼,但不能见?
33 。有什么,但腿不能走路?

34 。有两个房间-一个房间,与3灯泡,其他三个灯的开关。每个开关轮流对一轻。如果你只可以前往每个房间一次,你如何能分辨开关控制哪轻?

35 。因为雪茄不能完全熏, hobo谁收集雪茄butts可以作出雪茄吸烟出来,每5 butts ,他认定。今天,他已收集25个雪茄butts 。有多少支雪茄,他将可以吸烟?

36 。如果只有一个匹配,对冻结的冬天有一天,你进入一个房间,载有一盏灯,一个煤油加热器,以及木材燃烧炉,您应该根据第一?

37 。使5个字母组成字,从这些信件:
h后,我J型, K型, L时, M , N和O

38 。这是什么代表?


1 。密西西比州
2 。采取抬棺材,打破
3 。字母“ e ”
4 。一冷
5 。一面镜子
6 。我们同心合力,使更多美分。
7 。 1擦鞋
8 。玉米
9 。梳
10 。您的姓名
11 。一锁孔
12 。围栏
13 。阳光
14 。叶的这本书
15 。灯塔
16 。驴,猴子,和火鸡
17 。在死亡见
18 。因为他想看到他的占星
19 。没有,他是一位蝙蝠- chelor
20 。因为鬼没有一个狩猎许可证。
21 。因为它认为,沙拉酱。
22 。一个信封
23 。秋季对你会
24 。马铃薯
25 。手套
26 。玉米
27 。椅子
28 。床
29 。河
30 。时钟
31 。书
32 。土豆
33 。桌子
34 。第一-开启一个相当长的时间,然后将其关闭并打开第二个1 。运行到下一个房间。其中一项的小康和热情是第一,一,这对已是第二次,和去年是冷战,过一。
35 。 6
36 。比赛当然有!
37 。水( H2O )的
38 。为E = mc2 ( “能量等于质量倍光速的速度”的平方(看起来更好地对文件-越来越像一个正方形
第1个回答  2013-12-12
第2个回答  2013-12-12
1. What has four eyes but cannot see?
2. What do vampires do at midnight?
3. What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end, and the end of every place?
4. What can you catch but cannot throw?
5. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth?
6. What did one penny say to the other?
7. What has a tongue but cannot talk?
8. What has ears but cannot hear?
9. What has teeth but cannot eat?
10. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?
11. What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out?
12. What runs all around the ground but never moves?
13. What can go through water but never get wet?
14. What kind of leaves doesn’t fall in Autumn?
15. What kind of house weights least?
16. What kinds of keys are too large for your pocket?
17. Where do ghost like to swim?
18. Why did the ghost go to the astrologer?
19. Was Dracula ever married?
20. Why did the policeman arrest the ghost?
21. Why did the pickle close its eyes?
22. What starts with "e" ends with "e" and contains only one letter
23. If you were pushed down a flight of stairs, what would you fall against?
24. What has eyes but can't see
25. What has fingers but can't type?
26. What has ears but can't hear?
27. What has arms but can't hug?
28. What has a head and a foot but no body?
29. What has a mouth but never smiles?
30. What has a face but no head?
31. What has leaves but isn't a tree?
32. What has eyes but can't see?
33. What has legs but can't walk?

34. There are two rooms - one room with three light bulbs, the other with three light switches. Each switch turns on one light. If you can only travel to each room once, how can you tell which switch controls which light?

35. Because cigars cannot be entirely smoked, a hobo who collects cigar butts can make a cigar to smoke out of every 5 butts that he finds. Today, he has collected 25 cigar butts. How many cigars will he be able to smoke?

36. If, having only one match, on a freezing winter day, you entered a room that contained a lamp, a kerosene heater, and a wood burning stove, which should you light first?

37. Make a five-letter word from these letters:
H, I, J, K, L, M, N AND O

38. What does this represent?


1. Mississippi
2. Take a coffin break
3. The letter "e"
4. A Cold
5. A mirror
6. Together we make more cents.
7. A shoe
8. Corn
9. A comb
10. Your name
11. A keyhole
12. A fence
13. Sunlight
14. The leaves of the book
15. The lighthouse
16. Donkeys, monkeys, and turkeys
17. In the death see
18. Because he wants to see his horoscope
19. No, he was a bat-chelor
20. Because the ghost did not have a hunting licence.
21. Because it sees the salad dressing.
22. An envelope
23. Fall against your will
24. A potato
25. Gloves
26. Corn
27. Chair
28. Bed
29. River
30. Clock
31. Book
32. Potatoes
33. Table
34. First -- Turn on one for a long time, then turn it off and turn on a second one. Run to the next room. The one that’s off and warm is the first, the one that's on is the second, and the last is the cold, off one.
35. 6
36. The match of course!
37. Water (H2O)
38. E = MC2 ("Energy equals mass times the speed of light" SQUARED (looks better on paper - more like a square)本回答被网友采纳