英语作文 劝人慎交网友


The ancients advocates "Shendu, careful, careful, careful to early", today, I want to talk about a "cautious and everyone"
People in the juvenile period, sentiment has not been established, and he was close friends influenced speech and deportment, even if not interested the other learning,will come very naturally influence character by environment, similar to them, andconduct skills were easy to learn aspects? So, and good people, as if to enter full of cheese and blue vanilla room, a long time you become aromatic; and a bad guy, like to sell fish shop, a long time also will be a fishy.
In today's society, nature won't be like Lu Qian and Lin Chong, but we still need to"carefully make". For example, must be cautious in the network, not just makefriends. In recent years, many teenagers because the wrong friends, was carried out through the network fraud, infringement, which remind us to be careful to make friends.
"He, he," let us carefully and sincerely to make friends, the sincere good friends in the atmosphere of the harvest of their own friendship, walk every step of the way!

(翻译:古人提倡“慎独、慎微、慎初、慎交”,今天,我想和大家谈一谈“慎交”。 人在少年时期,思想情操尚未定型,受到与他亲近的朋友熏陶感染,言谈举止即使并不是有意向对方学习,也会潜移默化,自然而然地相似起来,何况操行技能等明显容易学习的方面呢?所以,和好人在一起,好像进入种满芝和兰等香草的屋子,时间长了自己就会变得芳香起来;和坏人在一起,就像进入出售咸鱼的店铺,时间长了自己也会发出腥臭。在当今的社会,自然不会再出现像陆谦和林冲这样的事,但我们仍要“慎交”。比如在网络上一定要保持谨慎,不随便交网友。近年有很多青少年因为交友不慎,被人通过网络进行诈骗等人身侵害,这些无不提醒我们应慎交朋友。 “近朱者赤,近墨者黑”,让我们谨慎而真诚地去结交好友,在良好的交友氛围中收获属于自己的那份真挚的友情,走好人生的每一步!)
