
few,a few,little,a little,a pair of,pairs of,other,another,nother.a other,though,although等等的这类英语词语,区别、用法都是什么?请详细说明

few./a few+可数名词单数 few表否定,翻成“几乎没有”;a few表示“几个”
little/a little+不可数名词 用法类似few, a few
a pair of表示“一副 一双”如 a pair of glass
pairs of 是a pair of 的复数,表示“多双、多副~”
other表示“其他” 如“other people”是“其他人”的意思
another表示“另一个” 如“another street” 是“另一条街”
a other表示“一个另外的~”不常用

那a lot of 和lots of有区别吗??



第1个回答  2014-01-08
few, a few, little, a little 虽然都表示“少”,但 (1)few, a few是可数的, little, a little是不可数的。 (2)a few, a little含肯定意味,few, little含否定意味。这里所谓的“肯定意味”和“否定意味”应该这样来理解:同样是半杯水,口渴者会认为:There is little water in the glass. 而不口渴的人则会认为:There is a little water in the glass.
a pair of 一副...pairs of 很多副...单复数的区别如:我有一副眼镜: I have a pair of glasses. 我有很多副眼镜: I have pairs of glasses.
I don’t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。
I have three daughters. One is a nurse, anotheris a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿。一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人。
1. 〈俚〉不同的,各异的
1. The 20 year old has some sort of new adidas predator superglue boots because it is virtually impossible to finda nother player who can get the ball to stick on their feet like Messi does.
2. "The Toyota logo has a whole 'nother ring in it," Geely spokespeople did not say.
3. It`s a nother pict from just outside, nice bark texture...
从园子描绘图片 Picture from the garden IV.
4. I got a whole 'nother pocket over here.
5. A nother w ord for a sandw ich.A lso heard in N orthern Ireland.
6. "My nother helped me to understand how much she had given me.
1.although连接的让步状语从句,后面主句中不能再用连接词but。 2.although和though 同义,3.在短语even though(即使)和as though(仿佛,似乎)中不能换用 although。 4.倒装句使用though,不嫩管用although。如:young though he is,he knows a lot 5.though 可以做副词,‘但是’,放在句尾,although不能。如:English is difficult,interesting ,though。
第2个回答  2014-01-08
一、few、a few、little、a little的区别和联系:

few / a few用来修饰可数名词,few表示否定意义,没有,几乎没有; a few表示有肯定意思, 有几个。 例如: He has few friends here, he feels lonely. 他这里没朋友,他感觉寂寞。 There are a few eggs in the basket.篮子里有几个鸡蛋。 little / a little用来修饰不可数名词,little表示否定意思,没有,几乎没有。 a little 表示肯定意思,有一点儿。 例如: There is little ink in my bottle, can you give me a little ink? 我的瓶子里没有墨水了,你能给我点儿墨水吗? [考考你] 1. My father has many books, but he has_____ English books. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few Answer 2. The twins can speak only ___ French. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little Answer [辩析] 1. few 与 little 作形容词用,都表示“几乎没有”,相当于一个否定词。具体区别: (1) few 后面跟复数可数名词。 e.g. few books few students (2) little 后面跟单数不可数名词。 e.g. little water little food e.g. He has few friends. 他没有几个朋友。 They has little money. 他们没有什麽钱 2. a few 与 a little 都表示肯定的意思,指“有一点,有一些”。具体区别: (1) a few 后加可数名词复数 (2)a little 后加不可数名词单数。 e.g. I'm going to buy a few bananas. I can speak only a little Chinese. 3. a little 与 little 也可以用作副词, 表示“有点”“稍稍” 表示“很少” e.g. ----Can you speak English? ----Yes, but only a little. This book is a little more difficult than that one. ( 可修饰形容词比较级) She slept little last night. 昨天晚上,她没有怎么睡觉。

二、a pair of,pairs of,的区别

a pair of 一副...pairs of 很多副...
a pair of 做主语时,谓语要用单数pair of 则要用复数


①Some students like English and other students (others) like physics. 有些学生喜欢英语,有些学生喜欢物理。 【解析】other表示“别的”,“另外的”,只能与复数名词连用。但other前有冠词the即可与单数名词连用。如: I have two pens. One is blue. The other (pen) is black. 我有两枝钢笔。一支是蓝色的,另一支是黑色的。 ②John did better than all the other players in the sport. 在那项运动中John比所有别的运动员都出色。 【解析】the other加复数名词指的是一定范围内“所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other加复数名词却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物”。如: We must think more of other comrades. 我们必须多想想别的同志。 ③ This shirt is too large for me. Please show me another. 这件衬衫我穿太大。请另外拿一件我看看。(一般商店不会只有两件衬衫) 【解析】another, the other作代词的用法。The other表示“两个数量中的另一个”,表示特指,总数为俩;another表示“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指。如: His parents both work in a hospital. One is a doctor and the other is a nurse. 他父母都在一家医院工作。一个是医生,一个是护士。(父母为两个人) 其他习惯用法one another, from one…to another, the other day = a few days ago,every other day/ week/year, some…, others…,如: I met Mr. Smith in the park the other day. 前几天我在公园里碰见了Smith先生。 While at the university, he went to the library every other day. 在大学时他每隔一天去图书馆一次。 Some people like football, others like volleyball. 有些人喜欢足球,有些人喜欢排球。 They are very different from one another. 他们互相之间差别很大。 When Americans moved from one place to another, they took their dialects with them. 当美国人从一个地方迁移到另一个地方时, other指另外的人或物;other泛指别人,可与some连用;the other 指两个中的另一个,常和one连用;the others表示其余所有的人或物;another则泛指另一个。 回答者:萧萧羽禺 - 魔法学徒 一级 4-15 15:41 other 可以做形容词,表示其他的,比如other people其他的人。 也可以做代词,但是做代词时一般不以原形出现,一般用以"the other"或者以复数形式“others”出现。 others 和some对比使用时, 是“有些”的意思而不是做“其他”讲, 如:Some cleaned the windows, others mopped the floor. 有的擦窗户, 有的擦地板。 the others 是“其余的”意思, 表示在一个范围内的其他全部, 如: This dictionary is better than the others. 这本字典比别[其余]的好。 the other 是其中的“另一个”, 如:Give me the other one; not this one. 给我那一个, 不是这一个。 两个中的“另一个”是“the other”; 不定数目中的“另一个”是“another” , 如:This glass is broken. Get me another. 这个杯子坏了, 给我另拿一个来。(在许多杯子中的一个) any other 刚指其他一切的什么、、、 another 指另一个,没有固定的范围。比如:this dress is dirty,please change another one for me.这件裙子脏了,再给我换一件吧。 either指的两者中哪个都可以。如:which dress do you want,the yellow one or the blue one? 你想要哪件裙子,黄色的还是蓝色的? 回答可以是either is ok.哪件都可以。

四、although 与 though的用法区别

一、用作连词表示“虽然”,两者大致同义,可换用,只是 although 比 though 更为正式:Though [Although] it was raining,we went there. 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。Though [Although] it was barely four o’clock, the lights were already on. 尽管才四点钟,灯已经亮了。Though [Although] we are poor, we are still happy. 我们虽然穷,仍然很快活。二、用作副词although 一般不用作副词,而 though 可用作副词,且一般放在句末(不放在句首),意为“可是”、“不过”:It’s hard work; I enjoy it though. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干。He is looking fit, though. 但他看起来很健康。You can count on him, though. 不过你可以指靠他。三、用于习语在 as though(好像,仿佛),even though(即使,纵然)等固定短语中不能用 although:She closed her eyes as though she were tired. 她闭上眼,仿佛很疲劳似的。We felt as though we had witnessed the whole thing. 我们感到仿佛目击了整个这件事似的。He is an honest man, I must say, even though I have opposed him. 尽管我反对过他,我还得说他是一个诚实的人。She was always afraid of men, even though she had lots of boyfriends.尽管她有很多男朋友,她总是害怕男人。四、用于倒装though 引导的让步状语从句可用部分倒装的形式(注意:倒装后位于句首的名词之前不用冠词),但 although 一般不这样用:Poor though I am, I can afford it. 我虽穷,但这东西还是买得起的。Child though he was, he did quite well. 他虽是孩子,但干得很好。另外注意:1. although较正式,语气强Although he was tired, he went on working.2. although引导的从句放在主句前后均可,有时还可放在句中。Although many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements. 尽管在前面的道路上还有许多困难,但是,我们决心要取得更大的成就。He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语。3. although引导的从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, still连用。不能说:Although he was old, but he worked hard. 应把but去掉。当然,保留but而去Although也可。注意:although 的几不:although不能指假设的情况although不能作并列连词although不能作副词,放在词尾
第3个回答  2014-01-08
few 一些,跟可数名词,强调的是数量少
a few, 一些,跟可数名词,强调的是有一些
little, 一些, 跟不可数名词和形容词,强调数量少
a little, 一些, 跟不可数名词和形容词, 强调的是有一些
a pair of , 一双/一对,跟可数名词
pairs of 双双对对,跟可数名词
other, 其他
though. 虽然
although 虽然
第4个回答  2014-01-08
100分的魅力好大啊 呵呵 楼上几位的回答很完善 采纳吧追问



额 我晕 你直接采纳一楼或二楼的吧 答得很给力 对了 你出手很阔绰 哈哈

第5个回答  2014-01-08