textscan可以从文件的任何位置开始读入,而textread 只能从文件开头开始读入;
# The textscan function offers better performance than textread, making it a better choice when reading large files.
# With textscan, you can start reading at any point in the file. Once the file is open, (textscan requires that you open the file first), you can seek to any position in the file and begin the textscan at that point. The textread function requires that you start reading from the beginning of the file.
# Subsequent textscans start reading the file at the point where the last textscan left off. The textread function always begins at the start of the file, regardless of any prior textread.
# textscan returns a single cell array regardless of how many fields you read. With textscan, you don't need to match the number of output arguments to the number of fields being read as you would with textread.
# textscan offers more choices in how the data being read is converted.
# textscan offers more user-configurable options.