bread 为什么不可数? cake为什么有时候也不可数?


Bread is an uncountable noun because it refers to a substance that cannot be divided into individual units. The same applies to cake, which is also an uncountable noun under certain circumstances.
1. Definition of uncountable nouns. Uncountable nouns are a type of common nouns that refer to substances that cannot be counted in terms of individual items. They include materials, food, beverages, as well as solid, liquid, and gaseous substance names or chemical element names, such as wood, meat, wine, paper, ink, gas, water, and oxygen.
2. Common uncountable nouns.
- Gases: air, gas, smoke, steam, oxygen, hydrogen, etc.
- Liquids: water, oil, tea, coffee, wine, beer, milk, coke, gasoline, etc.
- Powdery or fine granular substances: flour, salt, sugar, rice, sand, etc.
- Solid objects: common solid objects can be further distinguished as follows:
- Food: bread, butter, chocolate, meat (beef, chicken, mutton, pork), etc.
- Daily necessities: chalk, paper, money, soap, etc.
- Minerals: copper, gold, iron, silver, etc.
- Raw materials/materials: brick, clay, cloth, cotton, earth, glass, stone, wood, wool, etc.
Note: While rice is often counted in "grains," in everyday life, it is not practical to measure rice in grains when buying or cooking for a family of five. Instead, rice is typically measured by weight, which is why "rice" is categorized as an uncountable noun. However, it is correct to say, "He ate every grain of rice," which translates to "He ate every grain of rice."
3. Quantifying uncountable nouns.
- Amount: much (a large amount), plenty of (lots of), a great deal of (a lot), a lot of (lots of), some (some), a little (a bit - positive), little (hardly any - negative), no (none), etc.
- Units: Depending on the actual usage or measurement by volume, weight, or shaped form, for example: a bottle of water, a pound of beef, a loaf of bread, an ounce of gold.