一篇英语短文、开头是According to a recent study out of the

一篇英语短文、开头是According to a recent study out of the university of pennsylvania 's wharton school ,men with shaved heads are considered to be more manly ,

Bald Is Powerful Up for a promotion? If you're a man, you might want to get out the clippers.
Men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine, dominant and, in some cases, to have greater leadership potential than those with longer locks or with thinning hair, according to a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.
根据宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School)最近的一项研究,人们认为光头或寸头男人更有男人味、更有影响力,在某些情况下比头发较长或头发稀疏的男人更具领导潜质。
That may explain why the power-buzz look has caught on among business leaders in recent years. Venture capitalist and Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, 41 years old, DreamWorks Animation SKG Chief Executive Jeffrey Katzenberg, 61, and Amazon.com Inc. AMZN -0.75% CEO Jeffrey Bezos, 48, all sport some variant of the close-cropped look.
这也许可以解释为什么这一展示力量的形象近年来在商界领袖中流行起来。41岁的风险投资人、网景公司(Netscape)创始人马克•安德森(Marc Andreessen)、61岁的梦工场动画公司(DreamWorks Animation SKG)行政总裁杰弗瑞•卡森伯格(Jeffrey Katzenberg)和48岁的亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)CEO杰弗里•贝索斯(Jeffrey Bezos)留的都是不同式样的光头或寸头。
Some executives say the style makes them appear younger─or at least, makes their age less evident─and gives them more confidence than a comb-over or monk-like pate.
'I'm not saying that shaving your head makes you successful, but it starts the conversation that you've done something active,' says tech entrepreneur and writer Seth Godin, 52, who has embraced the bare look for two decades. 'These are people who decide to own what they have, as opposed to trying to pretend to be something else.'
52岁的科技企业家兼作家赛斯•戈丁(Seth Godin)留光头已经有20个年头了,他说,“我不是说剃光头发会造就你的成功,但是它的确开始传递这样的信息,那就是你已经采取了积极行动。留光头的都是这样的人,选择拥有自己之所有,不去试图伪装成别的东西。”
Wharton management lecturer Albert Mannes conducted three experiments to test peoples' perceptions of men with shaved heads. In one of the experiments, he showed 344 subjects photos of the same men in two versions: one showing the man with hair and the other showing him with his hair digitally removed, so his head appears shaved.
沃顿商学院管理学讲师阿尔伯特•曼尼斯(Albert Mannes)做了三个实验,测试人们对光头或寸头男人的看法。在其中一个实验中,他向344名受试者出示了一个男人的两种不同版本的照片:一张是留有头发的照片,另一张照片经过数字化处理,所以他的脑袋看上去是光头。
In all three tests, the subjects reported finding the men with shaved heads as more dominant than their hirsute counterparts. In one test, men with shorn heads were even perceived as an inch taller and about 13% stronger than those with fuller manes. The paper, 'Shorn Scalps and Perceptions of Male Dominance,' was published online, and will be included in a coming issue of journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.
在所有三个测试中,受试者都报告说,他们觉得光头或寸头男人比蓄留头发的对照版本更显得有影响力。在其中一项测试里,人们甚至认为头发剃光的男人个头比头发浓密的人高一英寸,身体强壮程度也高出13%。研究论文《光头与人们眼中的男性影响力》(Shorn Scalps and Perceptions of Male Dominance)已经在网上发表,新一期的《社会心理学与人格科学》(Social Psychological and Personality Science)杂志也收录了这篇论文。

The study found that men with thinning hair were viewed as the least attractive and powerful of the bunch, a finding that tracks with other studies showing that people perceive men with typical male-pattern baldness─which affects roughly 35 million Americans─as older and less attractive. For those men, the solution could be as cheap and simple as a shave.
According to Wharton's Dr. Mannes─who says he was inspired to conduct the research after noticing that people treated him more deferentially when he shaved off his own thinning hair─head shavers may seem powerful because the look is associated with hypermasculine images, such as the military, professional athletes and Hollywood action heroes like Bruce Willis. (Male-pattern baldness, by contrast, conjures images of 'Seinfeld' character George Costanza.)
曼尼斯博士说,他注意到自己剃掉稀疏的头发之后,人们对他的态度变得更恭敬了,由此他才萌生了做这项研究的念头。曼尼斯博士说,光头和寸头看上去更威武是因为这种模样让人将其与极度男性化的形象联系起来,比如,军人、职业运动员和布鲁斯•威利斯(Bruce Willis)那样的好莱坞动作明星。(相比之下,男性脱发让人想到的是《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld)里的人物乔治•科斯坦萨(George Costanza)。)
New York image consultant Julie Rath advises her clients to get closely cropped when they start thinning up top. 'There's something really strong, powerful and confident about laying it all bare,' she says, describing the thinning or combed-over look as 'kind of shlumpy.'
纽约形象咨询师朱莉•拉斯(Julie Rath)建议她的客户在头顶的头发开始稀疏的时候就把头发剪成寸头。她说,“寸头给人的感觉是非常强壮、有力和自信。”头发稀疏或者梳向一边的形象用她的话来说“有点不修边幅”。
The look is catching on. A 2010 study from razor maker Gillette, a unit of Procter & Gamble Co., found that 13% of respondents said they shaved their heads, citing reasons as varied as fashion, sports and already thinning hair, according to a company spokesman. HeadBlade Inc., which sells head-shaving accessories, says revenues have grown 30% a year in the past decade.
这种光头和寸头形象如今越来越流行了。据宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble Co.)下属的剃须刀生产商吉列(Gillette)的发言人称,该公司在2010年进行的一项研究发现,13%的受调查者说他们剃了光头或寸头,这样做的理由各式各样,比如因为时尚、运动之需或者头发已经开始稀疏等。销售剃头工具配件的HeadBlade公司说,在过去10年里,公司的营业收入每年以30%的速度增长。
Not everyone needs a buzz. Rick Devine, 55, the CEO of Devine Capital Partners, a Redwood City, Calif., executive-recruitment firm that specializes in the tech industry, advises executive candidates tempted by their clippers to keep their hair closely cropped, rather than completely shaved. 'It is way too much image risk,' he says. 'The best thing you can do in a business meeting is to make your look not an issue.'
并非每一个人都需要把头发彻底剃光。55岁的里克•迪瓦恩(Rick Devine)是加利福尼亚州雷德伍德城(Redwood City)专门从事科技行业高管招聘的Devine Capital Partners公司的CEO,他建议那些受理发剪诱惑的高管职位应征者把头发剪成寸头,而不是完全剃光。他说,“剃光头要承受太大的形象风险,在商业会晤中你最好不要让你的相貌成为问题。”
Other physical features that signal dominance include narrow eyes and lips, as well as broad faces and square jaws. For women, the equation is trickier. Dominant features may be less helpful at work than youthful, feminine features, which are deemed more attractive, Ms. Keating says.
第1个回答  2013-12-22

sorry 应该是ADAC



第2个回答  2013-12-22
1 根据最近的一项研究的宾夕法尼亚大学的沃顿商学院

2 职场&商务英语
