

例:Who do you think should get the job,Rose or Lily?
这里do you think充当插入语,不需要逗号隔开
插入语:疑问词+do you think+主谓
第1个回答  2018-12-25
米思出国英语 分辨一个地道英文表述和一个传统中国学生写的英文,其中一个重要的区分就是插入语的使用。
地道英文中的插入语常做 (1) 同位语 如: This man, an experienced carpenter, is preparing to make a cupboard for his daughter. 中国学生不会这么表达,他可能会用一个定语语句: This man who is an experienced carpenter is preparing to make a cupboard for his daughter。
这个句子的同位语插入语比较复杂: This means the unfair or unequal treatment of people because of , for example , their race, religion, colour, age or indeed height. (for example 是插入语,同时也是 because of 的 同位语)

(2)状语插入语做强调如: The cost of travelling, even though it is at present increasing due to economic slow-down globally, is still relatively affortable to many people. (这句话里even though it is ... globally 是个状语从句,传统位置是在主句的后面,但是这句话里插入到了主语后面,大大提前了位置,就形成了一个强调)

(3) 副词插入语表示逻辑。
This answer, however, does not suffice the public.(副词however 前置插入主语后,表达了一种比较强烈的转折)

从上面3个例子可以看出来,插入语的2个特征(1) 写作格式上两边会用逗号隔开 (2) 名词(同位语),副词(状语) 都可以做插入语 (依次类推,形容词,代词,数词等等也可以做插入语)。插入语在英文语法中实际上是各种词性的一个综合使用,它是一层层语法宝塔的最上面的几层。本人在英国读书工作了8年,希望我的建议能对你有所帮助。