

1.As scheduled, we have an English Talent Show today, with the purpose of developing our interest in English learning and improving our practical abilities to listen and speak. 按照计划,我们今天举办英语才艺大赛,目的是培养我们英语学习的兴趣,提高我们实际听说的能力。
2. To help you have a better understanding of Chinese culture, the students' union will organize a New Year's party.为了帮助你们更好地理解中国文化,学生会将组织新年晚会。
3. Everyone is supposed to be in Room 120, the big classroom, exactly at 2:30 pm, Monday.周一下午两点半整大家须在大教室120房间集合。
4. We feel it an honour to have a chance toget together with Mr. Jones.能有机会与琼斯先生欢聚一堂,我们深感荣幸。
5. I will try to make the club known to every student and make more students involved inthe activitied organized by the club.我将尽力让每个学生了解社团,让更多的学生参与社团组织的活动。
6. Let's make our joint efforts to create a green and harmonious environment. 让我们为创造一个绿色和谐社会共同努力
7. Last week, our school carried out a survey among all the students, aiming to find out their opinions about setting up an English corner. 上周,为了了解学生对建立英语角的看法,我们学校在所有学生中做了一项调查。
9. As far as I'm concerned, I am in favor ofrecycling used textbooks because only by doing so can we help to save lots of natural resources.就我而言,我赞成回收利用旧课本,因为只有这样做,我们才能节约大量的自然资源。
10. Hardly had we got to the destination whenwe did some volunteer work there. 我们以到达目的地就开始做志愿者工作。
11. Through this activity, not only did we pass our love and friendship to others, but we also enriched our own school life.通过这次活动,我们不仅给别人传递了爱和友谊,还丰富了我们自己的学校生活。