小舅子第一次跟我见面就说我以后很会赚钱,我问他怎么知道,就给一段英语,求翻译:Although I am weak?

Although I am weak, I work hard every day, and I am rich and prosperous in the eight characters;
The day is dry and prosperous, and it is often the day when the Lord gets the land; However, the Japanese Lord could not get orders, and there were more food injuries and financial officials in the eight characters, so the Japanese Lord was still weak. This kind of people only need more money stars in the eight characters, or although there are not many money stars, but there are official stars to protect money, eat and hurt to make money, and then they can support daily work in transportation, they will have good money luck. If this kind of wealth is partial to wealth, it is natural that it has a good fortune and can boldly march towards partial wealth.
A man from Wanger;
Since the Japanese Lord works from the earth and from Wange, fire and earth are like to use. Of course, mixed gas in the earth is taboo. The sun Lord's Treasury and food Treasury are Chen Chou. When you suanmianzhun com meet Xu and Wei during transportation, the original Qi is used, and the reservoir is rushed away. The damage of miscellaneous Qi is used for pleasure. Even if the transportation is on fire, it will help God and thrive by overcoming the miscellaneous Qi in Chen ugliness. So their career and financial luck can be smooth. The Treasury is washed away for use. Therefore, partial financial luck can be very good.
A person whose birthday is lucky
The so-called partial wealth is an unexpected wealth, a wealth that enjoys success by sitting on it. As for the "positive wealth" obtained from normal channels, partial wealth refers to the common wealth of all people, which belongs to the wealth of activities and instability.

Although I am weak, I work hard every day, and I am rich and prosperous in the eight characters;
The day is dry and prosperous, and it is often the day when the Lord gets the land; However, the Japanese Lord could not get orders, and there were more food injuries and financial officials in the eight characters, so the Japanese Lord was still weak. This kind of people only need more money stars in the eight characters, or although there are not many money stars, but there are official stars to protect money, eat and hurt to make money, and then they can support daily work in transportation, they will have good money luck. If this kind of wealth is partial to wealth, it is natural that it has a good fortune and can boldly march towards partial wealth.
A man from Wanger;
Since the Japanese Lord works from the earth and from Wange, fire and earth are like to use. Of course, mixed gas in the earth is taboo. The sun Lord's Treasury and food Treasury are Chen Chou. When you suanmianzhun com meet Xu and Wei during transportation, the original Qi is used, and the reservoir is rushed away. The damage of miscellaneous Qi is used for pleasure. Even if the transportation is on fire, it will help God and thrive by overcoming the miscellaneous Qi in Chen ugliness. So their career and financial luck can be smooth. The Treasury is washed away for use. Therefore, partial financial luck can be very good.
A person whose birthday is lucky
The so-called partial wealth is an unexpected wealth, a wealth that enjoys success by sitting on it. As for the "positive wealth" obtained from normal channels, partial wealth refers to the common wealth of all people, which belongs to the wealth of activities and instability.








    work hard 努力工作

    every day 每一天 ; 每日

    there are 有 ; 可数名词的复数形式 ; 许多重要事情要谈

    make money 赚钱 ; 挣钱

    daily work 每日作业

    good money 高薪;良币;大钱

    partial to 偏爱的,癖好的

    it is natural that ...是必然的事

    good fortune 福分;福气;幸事;休

第1个回答  2021-08-02