
a very simple man who enjoys a simple, cozy and quiet life with quality. no doubts, a man who also knows how to secure such a life in the rest of his lifetime. a man who owns respect both at office and in social life. i prefer to do reading, watching DVD or kicking on some cool music at home when i have nothing to do. a charming, intelligent and simple lady would be my ideal girl. in addition, i would be much delighted if she has some sort of quality education background. though rasied up in a well-educated family and pampered profoundly by the family, i have been independent, hardworking and generous. if you are interested in me, you are kindly advised to send me message with the stamps. be kind enough to send the message with stamps. i am currently out of china for the business, i had no any extra stamps which allows me to read incoming messages. i strongly believe that i would be more of your initial expectation

第1个回答  2010-09-29