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1 嫦娥二号 China moved closer to its goal of landing on the moon as its second lunar probe, Chang'e-2, blasted off seconds before 7:00 pm on Friday from the southwestern city of Xichang
2:China is ready to intensify cooperation with Greece and help the country tide over its current difficulties at an early date. Wen urged the European Union to recognize China's full market economy status
3:世博会 The city's top official on Thursday urged Expo workers to step up security as the event moves into its final 30 days.
4:十一黄金周 As the National Day holiday approaches and so too does a predicted peak in tourism, management authorities at many scenic spots are preparing to raise entrance prices.
5:熊猫守护者选拔 Police in the remote, west China county of Hualong are trained in a specific skill -- to detect and deter "treasure" hunters, and to arrest them if they get what they want.
6:中日问题 A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman on Friday called for concerted efforts from Japan to maintain relations between the two countries.