
1.I ( ) you a valuable present for your birthday,but I ( ) money.
A.would have liked to give;ran out of
B.would like to have given;ran out of
C.would like to give;was run out of
D.would like to give;ran out
2.This is a strange and confusing age.We've been all the way to the moon and back,but have trouble crossing the street ( ) the new neighbour.
A.meeting B.to meet C.having met D.to have meet
3.Eat ( ) cake you like and leave the others for ( ) comes late.
A.any;who B.every;whoever C.whichever;whoever D.either;whoever
4.-Excuse me,Sir.Would ynu do me a favor?
-Of course.What is it?
-I ( ) if you could tell me how to fill out this form.
A.had wondered B.was wondering C.would wonder D.did wonder

1. B
解释:would like to have done sth意思是“本来想要做某事”,隐含“事实上没有做到”的含义;
run out of sth意思是“花光/用光了...”。此处用主动,被动为:money was run out of.
run out是不及物动词,用法为;money ran out.

2. B
解释:固定短语:have trouble (in) doing sth“做某事有困难”,所以是:have trouble crossing the street.
后面用不定式做目的状语:to meet the new neighbour,即“穿过马路”的目的在于“去见新邻居”。

3. C
解释:后面有the others,说明不止两块蛋糕,排除D(either只两者之间的任意一者);
A中的who comes late并不指人,而是指一件事情。而whoever = anybody who,指人,排除A;
B中的every指“每一块”,如果都吃了,那就没有剩下的蛋糕了,所以应该是“任何一块蛋糕”即whichever cake,排除B。

4. B
翻译:答者再说最后一句话时,wonder这个动作其实是之前正在发生的,所以用过去进行时“当时我正想要知道”,且此时用was wondering表示一种委婉礼貌的说辞。


第1个回答  2010-10-07
1. D would like to do=want to do run out 是“用完, 耗尽”的意思
2. B have 后要接过去分词,所以D项不对 如果是现在分词应是与crossing
并例 前边应该有个连词
3. C 吃你想吃的任何一块蛋糕,把其它的留给晚到的人。迟到的那些人
应该是“those who come late" 所以不能选A。 either用于两者中的任
4. B had wondered是在一个过去时间或动作之前发生的,would wonder是在一个
过去时间或动作之后发生,但对说话时而言已成为过去。did wonder表示强
调“的确想知道” 故选B “我在想”
第2个回答  2010-10-07
1.I ( ) you a valuable present for your birthday,but I ( ) money.
A.would have liked to give;ran out of
B.would like to have given;ran out of
C.would like to give;was run out of
D.would like to give;ran out
首先确定后半空是run out of 因为这是个词组,且不能用被动。排除CD
然后,这是个过去时的虚拟语气,所以要用would have done.

2.This is a strange and confusing age.We've been all the way to the moon and back,but have trouble crossing the street ( ) the new neighbour.
A.meeting B.to meet C.having met D.to have meet

这个别被前面那个句子绕进去,其实要填的就是个表目的的不定式to meet

have trouble crossing the street 的目的是to meet the new neighbour.
其实时态一致指的是've been all the way to...和have trouble...跟to meet 那个没关系的。

3.Eat ( ) cake you like and leave the others for ( ) comes late.
A.any;who B.every;whoever C.whichever;whoever D.either;whoever

4.-Excuse me,Sir.Would ynu do me a favor?
-Of course.What is it?
-I ( ) if you could tell me how to fill out this form.
A.had wondered B.was wondering C.would wonder D.did wonder

首先次对话中没有强调的含义。排除D。看宾语从句后面用了could tell me,所以主句也应该是过去时。A是过去完成时,C是过去将来时,不符合。