

寒假期间,同学们外出,一定要注意遵守交通规则。在道路上行走,要走人行道;学会避让机动车辆,不与机动车辆争道抢行;穿越马路,要走人行横道;在有过街天桥和过街地道的路段,应自觉走过街天桥和地下通道;不要翻越道路中央的安全护栏和隔离墩。如骑自行车外出,一定要注意经常检修自行车,保持车况完好。 在寒假,中学生有足够多的时间去上网,网上聊天、交友也成为可能。但近年来,中学生见网友被骗的事件时有发生。因此,中学生千万不要轻易见网友。如确实要见,必须先向家长说明,见面最好选择在白天人多的公共场所。
During the winter vacation, the students go out, we must pay attention to comply with the traffic rules. Walking on the road, walk on the sidewalk; learn how to avoid motor vehicles, motor vehicles and for road grab the line; across the road, to take the crosswalk; in the overpass and underpass Road, should consciously through Street overpass and underground channel; don't climb over the middle of the road safety barrier and isolation pier. Like to ride a bike, we must pay attention to the regular maintenance cycle, and maintain good condition. In winter vacation, high school students have enough time to surf the Internet, online chatting, making friends is also possible. But in recent years, high school students to see the event occurs when users have occurred. Therefore, high school students do not easily see users. If you really want to see, must first explain to parents, to meet the best choice in the day and more public places.