

如若没能看过电影《美丽人生》,你很难想象在二战德国纳粹集中营这犹同阿鼻地狱的地方,如何能上演一出喜剧,但这部电影做到了,罗伯托·贝尼尼饰演的犹太父亲圭多,在人性泯灭的集中营里,以父爱之名为儿子编造的游戏谎言,使这本被死亡阴云笼罩之地充满了阳光,他害怕儿子受到伤害为爱做出的诸多滑稽,令人在忍禁不俊的欢笑间给每一个观众带来了挚诚的感动,电影的悲情结尾实则铸就了最有深度的喜剧,每一个人的人生都是美丽斑斓的,心若阳光 何处无美丽!——梦里诗书
第1个回答  2017-11-22
Life is beautiful is a wonderful film that is an instant classic and pure genius. It is a rare feat to turn the holocaust into a comedy and not lessen the horror. This is not another just another holocaust movie to help us remember. Shindler's List is the defining movie for its genre, but rather this movie takes for granted that you already know about the holocaust from school, movies, or elsewhere. For example, what else would give you that pit in your stomach feeling when you see Guido's uncle sent to a different line after the train ride. This is not exactly a film about the holocaust per se, but it is a film about a triumph over the holocaust. Yes, Guido dies, but Giosue survives. Guido's sacrifice was a triumph. It is a rare mixture of happiness and tragedy, all in the correct amounts. It is a film that will leave you speechless, save to say "Life is beautiful."