

1 abandon his wife and children/ his hope 抛妻弃子/放弃希望
abandon oneself to 放纵于
2 have the ability to do sth 有能力做sth
3 be able to do 能够做sth
4 go abroad 出国
5 be absent from 缺席
6 be absorbed in 全神贯注于
7 have/ get the access to 有得到sth的机会/享用sth的权利
8 by accident 无意的
9 according to 根据
10 accuse sb of sth = charge sb with sth 控告sb sth, 指责sb sth
11 be accustomed to = be used to 习惯于
12 act as 起着……的作用
13 take an active part in 积极参加
14 adapt (sb) to 适应sth
15 add up to 合计达
add to 添加,增添
16 in addition to 除了……之外
17 admit to sb 向sb承认
admit (to) doing 承认做sth
admit sb to/ into sth 使sb进入sth be admitted to/ into college
18 adopt a child/ policy 收养一个孩子/采用一个政策
19 in advance 提前,事先
20 take advantage of 利用
have an advantage (of sth) over sb 有超越sb的sth的优点
give sb an advantage over sb 给sb超越sb的优势
21 advise sb to do 建议sb去做sth
advise doing 建议做sth
22 can/ could (not) afford sth / to do 供应(不)起sth/做sth
23 be afraid to do/ of 不敢做sth/害怕sth
24 in the afternoon 在下午
25 again and again 再三
26 at the age of 在……岁的时候
27 agree on 就sth达成一致意见
agree with sb 同意sb
not agree with sb 不适应sb
agree to sth (plan, suggestion…) 同意计划/建议
agree to do/ that 同意去做sth
I can’t agree with you any more. 非常同意
28 go ahead 去吧,去做吧
ahead of 在……的前面
29 first aid 急救